Originally Posted by bryant
8pm to 3am gig, wow, long hours huh?
Sound worse than it is. Actual gig hours are 9-1 (all to often 1 ends up being 1:30)
I usually try to get out of the house about 7:45, it's a half hour drive (I don't trust my van enough to take the interstate), about 15 mins to hookup the computers and turn everything on and then a half hour to relax and visit OR a half hour to deal with car problems - dead battery, flat tire etc.
Come time to shut down I usually take my time since the bar doesn't close till 2:30, gives me plenty of time to breakdown the computers, visit with people or the bartender, Twice a week I need to stop and fill the gas tank and of course on Valentines day, Mothers day, Christmas, and my wifes birthday I have to stop at Walmart on the way home.