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Old November 17th, 2003, 11:32 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 1
Cuesheet Rejection

Cuesheet Rejected by the CD Recorder
This error can appear when writing a CDR disc in the Custom Assembly Tab. It would appear after the open project has track files ready and you click the Write CD button. If you see this, restart the Microstudio program as some random error in the computer has damaged the Cuesheet file in RAM (not the hard drive file).

This is the message I received and I restarted several times and did a complete shutdown and the problem still exists.
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Old November 18th, 2003, 10:19 AM
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Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
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Bad files you are trying to write

The message error: Invalid CUE SHEET command at line xx can appear when writing a CDR disc in the Custom Assembly Tab when you click the Write CD button. One of the imported files has been damaged or is the wrong type. If you try to add a .wav file into a project for .cdg format files this error message appears.

For example, Keyrite 1.302 would allow you to change the output file type from .wav to .cdg. Some users believed that would create a .cdg file, but it only gave the audio-only file a .cdg filename extension; the lyrics/graphics data required to be in a .cdg file was missing, which would cause this error to appear in Microstudio.

Solution #1: A .lst project found in the Open/Save Project: field contains two types of files, .cdg karaoke files and .wav audio files (that may be named .cdg, but only contain audio samples making it a .wav file). If you only use one type you will not see the error message and the project will correctly write to a blank CDR disc.

Solution #2: The .lst project found in the Open/Save Project: field is bad because one or more imported .cdg or .wav files are bad. Click the New Button in the Custom Assembly Tab to automatically create a new .lst project for .cdg files (assuming .cdg is what you want to use. If not, select it to be a .wav project). Then, add one .cdg file at a time to this project and click the Test CD button after adding each file. If the track file is damaged, you will see the error message. If it is good, you will not, and you should add the next track file to the project. Click the Test CD button after adding each new file. When you see the error message, delete that imported .cdg (or .wav) track file from the project list [/b]and from your hard drive.[/b] If you want to use that song track, go to the Import Tracks Tab and re-import it again. Then you can add it to the .lst project in the Custom Assembly Tab and click the Write CD button to write the project to the blank CDR media.
Making Karaoke the best it can be!
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