We are running a sale on Krystals, while they last. The new Prices are: (at least for the month of June)
- $899 Krystal 1200 with Microeditor 5.4
- $999 Krystal 1200 with Microeditor 5.5
These prices can be found at
http://www.mtu.com Scroll to the bottom where it shows Krystal 1200 and Microeditor.
Workstation prices have also dropped!
$2,995 Gets you the following:
Microsound Digital Audio Workstation including the following: - Intel Pentium® IV 2.0GHz 256KB full speed cache
- ATX Mid-tower case, 17" high
- ATX motherboard, 400MHz System bus Note: No ISA slot
- 256MB PC2100 DDR memory
- 80GB UDMA-100 hard drive, 7,200rpm (partitioned as:
C=5GB, D=75GB)
- EIDE CD-Recorder, 40x-write (Data 24x write for Audio), 12x-rewrite, 40x-read
- [b]Radeon 7000 AGP graphics card with 64MB DDR memory - Note: A display monitor is NOT provided
- Krystal 1200 DSP engine card
- SB Audigy 24-bit audio card
- PCI-bus Modem card, 56K for Internet connection to download software
- Floppy drive, 1.44MB 3.5"
- Keyboard, 104-keys
- Mouse, 3-button with center wheel
- Microeditor Digital Audio Workstation software, version 5.5
- MicroCD Audio CD Mastering software version 2.403
- Windows® 2000 operating system
- CDROM backup software
Fully assembled and tested, ready for use!
We normally require 2 weeks to deliver your workstation after we receive your order and payment.
We only have a limited supply left at this time. If we have alot of orders then we will build more, depending on the amount of response we have at this price