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Old April 15th, 2010, 01:58 PM
tonysjungle tonysjungle is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Washington, D.C.
Posts: 32
Unhappy Need help combining databases

I basically have my original lump of songs on my external hard drive as backup and have that original lump of songs on my main and backup laptops. I also one set of new songs on my main laptop and a set of new songs on my backup laptop and I'm wanting to have all songs combined and available on both laptops as well as the backup.

Lemme explain:

I run two shows a week and have always used the same laptop computer. When I first started, I decided to back up all of my work onto an external hard drive. I did this by simply copying the folder of kma's from my main laptop into an identical folder on my external hard drive.

Fortunately, I haven't had any reason to need the external hard drive.

I continued, for several months, to import cd's weekly (or however often I purchased them) into my laptop. There are probably 30-40 cd's worth on my main laptop that I did not backup into the external hard drive.

About 2 months ago, my power adapter for my main laptop got smashed when a drunk customer knocked into my table and it crashed onto the ground. Fortunately, there was enough battery left to finish my show that night.

The next night, I started using my "backup" laptop which had only my original songs (and not the several months of new imports). No biggie, since I still had most of my songs available.

Here's the problem. I didn't quickly get a new adapter for my main laptop and just kept using my backup laptop. As I kept buying karaoke cd's every week or so, I started importing them into my backup laptop. There are about 20-30 cd's worth of songs that have been imported into that laptop.

I have since bought a cord for my main laptop and I'm wanting to use that one again. I'm NOT wanting to re-import every single "new" cd again, if I don't have to.

How do I combine the "newer" songs from both laptops without having duplicates or messing up databases or kma id numbers? I tried searching through the forum and the manual and couldn't figure it out.

I basically have my original lump of songs on my external hard drive as backup and have that original lump of songs on my main and backup laptops. I also one set of new songs on my main laptop and a set of new songs on my backup laptop and I'm wanting to have all songs combined and available on both laptops as well as the backup.
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backup, book id, database, kma, merge

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