Krystal Interupt
I have a problem with my system not giving an Interupt to the Krystal board. When I run the function test I get the message: Interupt Number Not Set.
When I check the properties in the WIN XP Pro device manager it says: The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
To reinstall the drivers for this device, click Reinstall Driver.
In the device manager there are no other conflicts displaying. Only the multimedia device, which I assume is the Krystal board.
In Windows 98 SE the Krystal board displayd the same way.
This came to my attention on this machine because after boot up, the Microsound inputs to my mixer are displaying input from the computer. Pushing the sliders up brings up the high pitch scream of the table top outboard unit.
How can I set WIN XP Pro so that it will give the Krystal Board an interupt and stop the outboard unit from screaming. When I open Microsound the screaming stops right away. How can I get windows to do this?