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Old March 2nd, 2010, 08:32 PM
Lloyd Te Kani Lloyd Te Kani is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Waharoa, New Zealand
Posts: 111
Red face Changing computers

I've just purchased a second laptop and want to use it for my back-up system. I was using my desktop but portability was a problem there, hence the new laptop purchase. I've read up on how to uninstall Hoster from the old computer and re-install on the new but it's not working for me. The problem appears to be my registration code.

I purchased Hoster on CD some years ago and the then latest version was V3.316 for which I received a registration number (as you do) I have since up-graded three times to 4.11 but in the process my inital registration code was cancelled and replaced with another.

When I attempt to install Hoster on my new laptop using the original CD, it will not accept my new or old registration codes at all.

What am I to do fellahs?
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