Thread: The Music Stops
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Old September 8th, 2008, 11:25 AM
Skybird74 Skybird74 is offline
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Originally Posted by laddie View Post

This has happened three times now. It happened once with 4.02 and twice with 4.03. The music stops, lyrics stop. Stays this way for 10 to 15 seconds, and then continues, with music and lyrics starting from where they left off.
My machine has the latest driver updates and all MS updates with 1Gig of ram running XP.
I have two external drives, one for karaoke music and one for DJ music. I use BMP pro for DJ Music. BMP was open during the time it happened when 4.02 was installed, but not for the rest.
I probably have twice as many gigs with just DJ music and this only happens when running Hoster. I have run checkdisk on the drive, checked OK. I still think it could be a drive problem. I may have to replace the drive to verify it. Has anyone else experienced this or any suggestions other than the drive?
If you had any programs Open while doing an install, it could easily be a conflict. I would suggest doing a clean re-install & make sure everything is turned off before doing so.
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