Thread: VCD discs
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Old March 14th, 2007, 04:14 PM
kiwisinger kiwisinger is offline
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Hi Eddie, the songs played perfectly with full use of multiplex. Ea file averaged around 30,000kb in size and in Hoster average song length of 3 to 4min. All files are .dat files.

Im just not getting any image of lyrics or anything??

Forgive me for the following...Im gonna write the proceedure of copying the files....Im sure you do it the same way but just incase anyone reading this might see what Im doing wrong??

Copying I just use windows explorer.

1. Load the disc into my DVD writer
2. Open the disc in "My Computer/DVD cd Drive"
3. High light the files in a folder called "MPEGAV"
4. Then I just drag them into a folder Iv created and thats it.

Each file is copied as .dat files

Playing them in Hoster:

1. I click Video. The " Add video song to song list " window opens.
2. I go to the folder where Iv just copied the .dat files
3. Select a file and make sure in the "Files of type" dropdown window is set to " Video files-VCD,DVD (.dat, .vob)
4. Clk "open"

It loads the song ready to play. I push play and it plays perfectly...I just wish the lyrics would show up.... grrrr

Last edited by kiwisinger; March 14th, 2007 at 04:21 PM.
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