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Old May 5th, 2004, 02:05 PM
mlepine mlepine is offline
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When doing a back up of a cdg disk using another software I also had the same problem. Microstudio couldn't read the disk but it plays correctly on a home cdg player.

I don't know if we are talking about the same software but this software also allows me to use my old Yamaha 3200E with no broken graphic which confirms that it's all a question of driver more than hardware.

My old Micro 2.4 will not allow me to have a clean back up of a cdg and just won't read correctly the graphic with this old Yamaha drive.

By the way, I found out about this software in the MTU forum on a reply from admin!

I enjoy it for my DVD's more than my cdg's because I still enjoy using Microstudio.

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