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Old January 13th, 2003, 10:44 PM
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kjzone kjzone is offline
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Location: Silver Spirng, Maryland 20906
Posts: 346

Your best bet on finding a Sony 140E or 140S is on e-bay, but
CAUTION there is a company selling on e-bay that says they
have the Sony 140e (New in Box), but it's not, it's the OEM version and will not work, the actual label on the Drive will have another number and this is the OEM version WITHOUT the CD+G support. Whoever you get it from, make sure they put it in writing that the markings on the Drive say Sony 140e or 140S.

I first got a Drive from them, but they did have a return policy, later I got the Sony 140S (SCSI) which is think is a SCSI II, had to get a SCSI card and it's for II and III.

Good Luck in your Hunt.

Also NOTE: It may take up to 30 minutes while Goldenhawk reads the Disc, but don't give up, it WORKS.

Once you have extracted the tracks as sectors you then burn them back to a CD-R and now have a Disc WITHOUT Media Cloq and can make as may copies of that as you wish.

Once you get it, any other questions.......let me know.

Jim (kjzone)

P.S. The Sony is an 8x / 4x / 32x
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