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Rockrz March 27th, 2010 07:00 PM

Is this guy a scam, er what???
A friend of mine won't research to see if this is a scam, so I told him I would cause this is very smelly!

He runs a site that lists all the karaoke shows in his area and some guy named "Bill Stanely" emailed from saying he was looking for some guy in the area selling hard drives full of karaoke music and wanted help finding this guy (my friend has never heard of this guy or anyone selling illegal karaoke music).

Then, he says they may try to hold him responsible for listing shows are are using pirated music because he is allowing illegal activity to be advertised on his website!

My question is, how does this make his website illegal when there's no way of knowing if the music kjs are using is legit or not?

Doesn't this sound like some guy just trying to use legal scare tactics to convince my friend to help him find illegal shows and those that deal in that type of thing?

mindonstrike March 28th, 2010 12:39 AM

Re: Is this a scam, er what???
Pure BS. Local newspapers also often list bar events , bands karaoke etc. This guys argument would make most newspapers that except advertising from many escort services and a few massage parlors guilty of promoting prostitution.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to ad a disclaimer to his website saying he's not responsible for show content

Rockrz March 28th, 2010 10:19 AM

Re: Is this a scam, er what???
That's what I've been told by others is a website host, newspapers, TV stations, etc can't be held liable unless they are knowingly advertising illegal products or services.

Since there is no way of knowing if any of the shows listed are legal or not, I don't see where he'd have any problems. I don't want his site to go away because I use it to keep up with where all the shows are and watch for new ones starting up ( it's at )

So, should my friend get a lawyer and see if this Bill Stanley character will provide his contact info so the lawyer can set him straight?

What I find really odd is my friend says he has tried numerous times to get this guy's contact info, and the name of who he is working for and this guy refuses to give this out.

If he is working for KAPPA, why doesn't he say so?

Or, is he an independant contractor who gets a cut of any fines he can get levied against someone?

mindonstrike March 28th, 2010 05:25 PM

Re: Is this a scam, er what???

Originally Posted by Rockrz (Post 100048)
That's what I've been told by others is a website host, newspapers, TV stations, etc can't be held liable unless they are knowingly advertising illegal products or services.

Since there is no way of knowing if any of the shows listed are legal or not, I don't see where he'd have any problems. I don't want his site to go away because I use it to keep up with where all the shows are and watch for new ones starting up ( it's at )

So, should my friend get a lawyer and see if this Bill Stanley character will provide his contact info so the lawyer can set him straight?

What I find really odd is my friend says he has tried numerous times to get this guy's contact info, and the name of who he is working for and this guy refuses to give this out.

If he is working for KAPPA, why doesn't he say so?

Or, is he an independant contractor who gets a cut of any fines he can get levied against someone?

I can't recommend what someone else should do but me personally? I wouldn't go to the expense.

If this guy were to get a lawyer to go after your friend I think he'd be told pretty quick that he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Having said that: Looney people have been known to cause others a lot of expense and headache with frivolous lawsuits so I would recomend he keep any and all corespondance with the guy and make notes of any personal conversations.

Before this guy can even begin to do ANYTHING he will have to PROVE in court that one of these shows is illegal which would cost him many thousands of dollars and probably take a couple of years. He can't go after your friend for advertising illegal shows when none of them have been shown in court to be illegal.

Tell your friend to to tell this guy to "Leave me alone or I'll sue You for harassment".

personal opinion

Rockrz March 28th, 2010 06:50 PM

Re: Is this a scam, er what???

Originally Posted by mindonstrike (Post 100056)
Looney people have been known to cause others a lot of expense and headache with frivolous lawsuits so I would recomend he keep any and all corespondance with the guy and make notes of any personal conversations

Good point, I'll pass that along.

ginamon March 31st, 2010 12:13 PM

Re: Is this a scam, er what???
Isn't Piracy an issue for the Government and Police and not some private citizen with a nifty Yahoo address? I would call the local police about this guy, it sounds like a scam.

Rockrz March 31st, 2010 01:03 PM

Re: Is this a scam, er what???

Originally Posted by ginamon (Post 100110)
Isn't Piracy an issue for the Government and Police and not some private citizen with a nifty Yahoo address? I would call the local police about this guy, it sounds like a scam.

No, I think things like this are usually handled as a civil action unless it's something being done on a large scale.

The cops probably need to be busting serious criminals as opposed to looking for karaoke pirates I would think.

Hey, that's kinda funny..."karaoke pirates"...

I guess they are singing their favorite song as they bord your ship to rip you off or hold the ship for ransom. I wonder if Sound Choice sells alot to the pirates in Somolia :t

Lonman March 31st, 2010 04:50 PM

Re: Is this a scam, er what???

Originally Posted by ginamon (Post 100110)
Isn't Piracy an issue for the Government and Police and not some private citizen with a nifty Yahoo address? I would call the local police about this guy, it sounds like a scam.

That was my first thought as well. All of the KAPA and even KIAA sites have those extentions (reflecting their websites ie in their emails, not a Yahoo address. Not that KAPA really exists anymore, but even they had a kapa email address.

admin April 1st, 2010 06:09 AM

Re: Is this a scam, er what???

Over the 42 years I have been in business, I have had a few crackpots "disturb" the otherwise calm atmosphere I try to create around me and those I respect.

I have a Law Firm that I use. My lawyers have taught me to ignore these people and they will go away... and all but one has done exactly that.

These crackpots want an audience. They want you to think "and treat" them like they are important. The best thing to do is IGNORE them.

I have our webmaster put a block on their email address so our server bounces their emails back to them as if we don't exist any longer. That usually stops their rantings and ravings. :w

Don't ever answer them.

Don't try to escalate their idiocracy by trying to find them.

Do ignore them.

Do anything to block their communications to you.

If they have a legal issue, you will hear about it from a legit person of the law. Otherwise...

Enjoy life! Ignore those who want to, but have no right to disturb you. :w

Musicman51 April 8th, 2010 10:06 AM

Re: Is this a scam, er what???
I agree 100% with mtu administrator. The guys an idiot. trying to be important. A self ordained karaoke cop, most likely a pirate himself, or trying to make brownie points with the KIA{A}. I've stopped worrying about the so called pirating nonsense a long time ago. Don't give him another thought.:)

Rockrz April 14th, 2010 01:15 PM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???
I also heard that some of these guys are nothing more than "Bounty Hunters" so to speak who get a cut of any money won thru a civil action or maybe given a flat fee for finding offenders.

Musicman51 April 14th, 2010 01:45 PM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???
Rock, i wouldn't doubt that one bit. I wouldn't put anything past anyone if there's a buck to be had. With todays economy, the scarsity of venue's that have karaoke shows anymore, to the venue's brave enough to still run karaoke after the sleps target their bars, anythings possible. I was asked recently to go with a kj friend (disc based) of mine to a little bar to talk with the owner about starting karaoke. He said with all the law suits and nonsense going on, he wouldn't chance it. I tried to assure him that my friends disc were all original, and he had nothing to hide. He still would have no part of it. He started a dart night, they put in electronic dart games, and play darts on friday nights, and run pitcher beer specials..our loss.

RandyMcCharles April 14th, 2010 02:50 PM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???
I continue to be stunned by these tales of shrinking karaoke in the trail of recession and witch-hunt lawsuits. In my area (in Canada) the # of karaoke bars is growing as bars compete for recession induced fewer customers. I have to think that Sound Choice's actions have reduced their own sales and increased sales of their competitors. It's a snake eating its own tale. What a mess.

Musicman51 April 15th, 2010 01:00 AM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???
I'll tell ya randy. If the sleps can figure out a way to get into canada and do their thing, they will, just give them time. Then we'll see how much canada's karaoke industry is growing. Here you have one kj, going to a club owner, accusing his kj of being a pirate, then scavenging the gig, like left over road kill. I have been a musician for going on 40 years. Had my first paying band gig when i was 12 years old at an eagles lodge on a saturday afternoon. It paid $10.00. Anyway...i belong to a few musicians forums. The bands have caught wind of these law suits, now they're going to the karaoke bars, telling them about the lawsuits and this big mess. They tell the club owners, a band might cost a few bucks more. But in the long run it's still cheaper then being sued and hiring a lawyer and going to court. So they are taking jobs away from the KJ's as well. So believe it randy....:f

RandyMcCharles April 15th, 2010 07:37 PM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???
I hadn't thought about bands invading karaoke space (though I had thought about DJs and trivia games). I'm sure the witch hunt could come to Canada, and will if the hunt is profitable in the US. That said, the market here is pretty slim pickings as our population (of the whole country) is less than California's. I am told that Calgary is the karoake capital of the nation with the most karaoke bars per capita. And most bars here use disks instead of HDs. I have also noticed that none of the bars I have tried out have any recent Sound Choice disks. I'm sure part of this is due to Sound Choice not offering new disk until recently, but they KJ companies look to have switched to other labels. They bought Star Disk instead of other brands when they were available, and are now buying Quick Hitz and other brands. Most of them are aware of the SC witch hunt, but SC appears to have gone out of favor even before the hunt started.

muzicman144 April 15th, 2010 09:59 PM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???

Originally Posted by Musicman51 (Post 100331)
I'll tell ya randy. If the sleps can figure out a way to get into canada and do their thing, they will, just give them time. Then we'll see how much canada's karaoke industry is growing. Here you have one kj, going to a club owner, accusing his kj of being a pirate, then scavenging the gig, like left over road kill. I have been a musician for going on 40 years. Had my first paying band gig when i was 12 years old at an eagles lodge on a saturday afternoon. It paid $10.00. Anyway...i belong to a few musicians forums. The bands have caught wind of these law suits, now they're going to the karaoke bars, telling them about the lawsuits and this big mess. They tell the club owners, a band might cost a few bucks more. But in the long run it's still cheaper then being sued and hiring a lawyer and going to court. So they are taking jobs away from the KJ's as well. So believe it randy....:f

JMHO, It appears to me that Karaoke is really dying out in a lot of areas. I believe that the KJ's that attract the top singers will continue to do well. The saturation of the karaoke world with wannabe's and has been's, half ass kj's has taken it toll on the public. Patrons will continue to come an listen to the good, great singers, with exceptionally talented host. But no longer want to sit through an evening of screamers and off key renditions you don't recognize. This is no longer funny.
Along with the lawsuits, threats, bickering KJ's afraid someone is going to steal "their gig" that doesn't belong to them in the first place has tainted the business. I see one man shows taking over with the talented KJ's becoming the total act and being successful at it.
Again, it is just what i see up and down the east coast with my one man show. I don't know about the rest of the country.
Bars and Clubs don't have to worry much about one man shows and we have no songbook, no one can look over our shoulders to see what, or how, we use the music, nor by whom it is produced by. I use a lot of music recorded in a studio by my former band, and still record music that way to use on the road. But, good luck to all you KJ's and i hope we all avoid the slep fraud (should be one word, a new word in the karaoke world, "slepfraud") campaign.
By the way, i believe MTU's Karaoke Producer will remove the logo from SC files, haven't tried it yet, but was told it would. Anyone tried????????
I apologize for getting slightly off subject.

admin April 16th, 2010 06:48 AM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???

Originally Posted by muzicman144 (Post 100341)
... By the way, i believe MTU's Karaoke Producer will remove the logo from SC files, haven't tried it yet, but was told it would. Anyone tried????????
I apologize for getting slightly off subject.

KHPro can't edit the "cd+g" graphics directly. It allows you to open a music file and a lyrics .txt file (or type in the lyrics within KHPro's edit window), play the music and tap the spacebar where each word should start highlighting.

If a song's text lyrics are out of sync, you can clean it up.

If bad language has been used, you can leave them out.

If wrong lyrics are used, you can correct them.

If the music is 3 minutes long, it will take you 3 minutes to place the lyrics in sync if you know the song.

So, in closing... yes KHPro can re-create a song from SC or other music without their logo up front or in the credits. And yes, you can insert your own (or none) title page and credits page if you desire. :c

Rockrz April 16th, 2010 09:39 AM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???

Originally Posted by muzicman144 (Post 100341)
By the way, i believe MTU's Karaoke Producer will remove the logo from SC files, haven't tried it yet, but was told it would. Anyone tried????????

Wow, isn't altering copyrighted material without the
copyright owner's permission a violation of copyright laws?

muzicman144 April 16th, 2010 10:34 AM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???

Originally Posted by Rockrz (Post 100345)
Wow, isn't altering copyrighted material without the
copyright owner's permission a violation of copyright laws?

I guess using the slepfraud method of operation, we would be in the land of legal eagles.
Not being smart here, but i'm not questioning the legality of the use of MTU programs one would choose to use, just some of the things it is capable of, just like owning a gun, it too can do illegal things when held by the wrong person.
And for a fact, the slepps themselves have violated copyright laws in the issue of the Eagles Disc. Does anyone know for a fact if SC paid a penalty or re-imbursed the copyright owner of that material. I would like to know.

Rockrz April 16th, 2010 11:04 AM

Re: Is this guy a scam, er what???
Is "slepps" a karaoke music producer like sound choice is?

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