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madjim- with the Lord September 21st, 2007 02:47 AM

Are You Numberless/Paperless?
When I started buying karaoke discs I bought a bunch of multi disc packs and created my own number/pack system. It worked great but I bought out the Sound Choice collection from a local music store, getting away from Sound Choice :e and started using Hoster.

I like to interact with my singers and try to help them improve, so during conversation it was natural to ask them what song they wanted to sing and pull it up using the search function. It eliminated paper and pens which was one less chore.

I do not use BookID's or DiscID's or any number for that matter of fact. When I enter a disc I spell all of the number to make my database consistant, making the search faster. I run a Numberless/Paperless karaoke show.

Are you Numberless/Paperless?

If you are looking at his and host karaoke in any form please take a second to take this poll. :)

Thanks! :g


bryant September 21st, 2007 11:07 AM

I play regularly at two places;
One is 95% paperless,
The other is about 90% paperless.

On new one-time gigs I always promote
vocal requests for songs.

My g/f has mostly regulars who use envelopes with their slips,
but she enters their songs and they sing whatever she puts in. So he's about 60-70% paperless.

Decision: I checked paperless.

Lonman September 21st, 2007 11:39 AM

Will always use numbers & slips. Simple reason for me is I carry my discs for not only possible legal ramifications - no not going there - but for backup purposes as well in case of computer crash, i'm stationary 7 nights so all my discs are still set-up like they always have been with easy access to all in jewel cases & easy to find. Plus listing the disc manu, our singers can see what they are choosing - yes they do care & ask.
Slips will be another must for me, if nothing else but a simple paper trail when you push play & someone says, I didn't pick this song, well looking here at what you wrote down, yeah you did!

swany September 27th, 2007 11:38 PM

I use paper but use title and artist no numbers, then I usually use the best version I have available when I look it up. My books have no numbers or manufacturer. With a large number of repeats on my PC, I can offer most that know the difference a choice of brands. I still like hosting karaoke because of the folks bringing me written requests and buliding a show with that. The paper don't cost if you recycle paper for slips, I would often take paper already written on one side and process the other for KJ slips so it cost me ink, I still do this today I generate and recieve enough paper to do it. Most of my regulars just come up and make their requests without paper. I'm happy either way.

billyo October 30th, 2007 05:14 PM

kinda 50/ regulars they just tell me what song they wanted to sing..which most of the time i already know..but the walk-ins i usually hand them a few song slips and a pen..i rarely use disc and id #'s

swany November 8th, 2007 10:58 PM

A lot of my regulars I that sing the same stuff time after time, I have edited the song on the pc and added their names to the artist. Just type in their name on the search and bingo their song list comes up, still comes up all the other ways also. Dedicated, singer coming to your shows do deserve that much after all you can always edit it out again. That way they become paperless and appreciate the attention.

bobcox- with the Lord December 29th, 2007 04:53 PM

I use #s and paper.
i keep all my singers slips for them.
that way they know what key change they use, and what songs they sing.
and the brand they sang last time.

capnvic January 10th, 2008 02:27 PM

Numberless paperless
I use a sign up sheet and disc numbers. However, my customers with a few exceptions generally allow me the latitude to pick the best version of a song.

madjim- with the Lord August 2nd, 2008 02:40 PM

Thank you everybody for participating in this poll. This is an interesting point to keep up with. As a paperless host, I wonder if everybody will be paperless one day. :r

Jim :g

bryant August 3rd, 2008 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by madjim (Post 78316)
Thank you everybody for participating in this poll. This is an interesting point to keep up with. As a paperless host, I wonder if everybody will be paperless one day. :r

Jim :g

Out of curiosity, what do you tell those that come up to you and say, "Where's your slips, i couldn't find any pencils, or I like to write mine down coz I'm used to it"?

I try to go 100% paperlesss but always get those that can't grasp the whole idea.

marklwood August 3rd, 2008 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by bryant (Post 78320)
Out of curiosity, what do you tell those that come up to you and say, "Where's your slips, i couldn't find any pencils, or I like to write mine down coz I'm used to it"?

I say, "Oh, been to Lonman's show have you?":)

Just kidding. With the dry erase board I explain how easy it is and how transparent the rotation is. I have always found that it is not enough for me to be honest and fair, I want to make sure that there is no hint of impropriety. I have yet to have anyone not like my system once shown. Everyone knows what is going on and it is easy to get the answer to your questions.

madjim- with the Lord August 3rd, 2008 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by bryant (Post 78320)
Out of curiosity, what do you tell those that come up to you and say, "Where's your slips, i couldn't find any pencils, or I like to write mine down coz I'm used to it"?

I try to go 100% paperlesss but always get those that can't grasp the whole idea.

Well Bryant let me start by saying that the average age of most of my singers is late teens to early twenties, collage students (VSU & ABAC). They think it's cool not having to write anything down.

When somebody hands me a piece of paper (a torn napkin with a number scribbled on it or the such), I look them square in the eye and crumple it up right in front of them and disgard it. I tell them politely that I don't use paper and show them "how it works".

I tell (train) them, give me the name of the song (not the artist) then give me your name and THAT'S IT! Everybody that's done Karaoke with me gets it AND I LIVE IN THE DEEP SOUTH! :t :c (If we rednecks can get it, anybody can get it. :e :g :w)

I'm very interactive with my singers. I get to know them by talking with them. Everytime they put in a song it gives me an opportunity to give them tips. They become my friends and I try to make them sound as good as possible.

Teach old dogs new tricks, that is a hump I never had to go over but I'll bet if anybody was daring enough to just stop using paper for one month, they're singers would not only adjust to it, but prefer it. Even more so now that Hoster has a singer database! :e :r :w :) Oh how my singers love this feature, it IS their paper right on Madjim's Karaoke Machine everytime they want to sing.

To sum it up, I just don't do it. If you want to sing with me you have no choice. :e :e :e It may seem harsh but giving up that nipple and going to solid food was no ride in the park. :t

It may take a while but I see the time coming when the larger number on this poll will be numberless. :r :g

Thanks for asking Bryant. :c

Jim :g

capnvic August 7th, 2008 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by madjim (Post 78324)
Well Bryant let me start by saying that the average age of most of my singers is late teens to early twenties, collage students (VSU & ABAC). They think it's cool not having to write anything down.

When somebody hands me a piece of paper (a torn napkin with a number scribbled on it or the such), I look them square in the eye and crumple it up right in front of them and disgard it. I tell them politely that I don't use paper and show them "how it works".

I tell (train) them, give me the name of the song (not the artist) then give me your name and THAT'S IT! Everybody that's done Karaoke with me gets it AND I LIVE IN THE DEEP SOUTH! :t :c (If we rednecks can get it, anybody can get it. :e :g :w)

I'm very interactive with my singers. I get to know them by talking with them. Everytime they put in a song it gives me an opportunity to give them tips. They become my friends and I try to make them sound as good as possible.

Teach old dogs new tricks, that is a hump I never had to go over but I'll bet if anybody was daring enough to just stop using paper for one month, they're singers would not only adjust to it, but prefer it. Even more so now that Hoster has a singer database! :e :r :w :) Oh how my singers love this feature, it IS their paper right on Madjim's Karaoke Machine everytime they want to sing.

To sum it up, I just don't do it. If you want to sing with me you have no choice. :e :e :e It may seem harsh but giving up that nipple and going to solid food was no ride in the park. :t

It may take a while but I see the time coming when the larger number on this poll will be numberless. :r :g

Thanks for asking Bryant. :c

Jim :g

Lately, I have gone away from a sign up list, and I find that the only thing you have to worry about is yourself...I will either get the songbook number or the song name, and I punch it in on hoster. It is ok to get five or six singers initially and then build up to about a dozen singers without a hitch. Just need to keep track so I don't have one person singing two songs.Plus the singers database makes it even easier. A few of my regulars tell me the song and I go to the database and voila!

bryant August 7th, 2008 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by madjim (Post 78324)
Well Bryant let me start by saying that the average age of most of my singers is late teens to early twenties, collage students (VSU & ABAC). They think it's cool not having to write anything down.

When somebody hands me a piece of paper (a torn napkin with a number scribbled on it or the such), I look them square in the eye and crumple it up right in front of them and disgard it. I tell them politely that I don't use paper and show them "how it works".

I tell (train) them, give me the name of the song (not the artist) then give me your name and THAT'S IT! Everybody that's done Karaoke with me gets it AND I LIVE IN THE DEEP SOUTH! :t :c (If we rednecks can get it, anybody can get it. :e :g :w)

I'm very interactive with my singers. I get to know them by talking with them. Everytime they put in a song it gives me an opportunity to give them tips. They become my friends and I try to make them sound as good as possible.

Teach old dogs new tricks, that is a hump I never had to go over but I'll bet if anybody was daring enough to just stop using paper for one month, they're singers would not only adjust to it, but prefer it. Even more so now that Hoster has a singer database! :e :r :w :) Oh how my singers love this feature, it IS their paper right on Madjim's Karaoke Machine everytime they want to sing.

To sum it up, I just don't do it. If you want to sing with me you have no choice. :e :e :e It may seem harsh but giving up that nipple and going to solid food was no ride in the park. :t

It may take a while but I see the time coming when the larger number on this poll will be numberless. :r :g

Thanks for asking Bryant. :c

Jim :g

I pretty much do the same thing and typically have the same age group.
However, there are a number of new singers all the time that just go out once in a while, for ex. last night there was a bunch from another country, all ten of them at on e time or another asked the same thing I do as you do, explain to them, but I just have to do it a lot, The regulars, as you say, don't mind.

Vinny January 26th, 2009 07:11 PM

Instead of using slips of paper, we have a dry erase board board that people right their names down on. They keep their name on that board and write the title of their song next to it. That is our rotation. When they want to sing a new song, they just right it next to their name.

gators66 January 26th, 2009 10:51 PM

Cool topic.... I currently run 2 shows a week and am approximately 50% paperless. I have only been running these venues for a couple months and the old hosts were "all paper" so its taking some time to change minds.

I simply tell my singers that we are "an environmentally safe show" and every time they come up and request a song without that piece of paper and pencil that they are helping to save a tree. It's paying off and alot more of my regulars are seeing the light.

marklwood January 27th, 2009 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Vinny (Post 88722)
Instead of using slips of paper, we have a dry erase board board that people right their names down on. They keep their name on that board and write the title of their song next to it. That is our rotation. When they want to sing a new song, they just right it next to their name.

That is exactly what I did starting 6 years ago. Best move I ever made. Not only do I not have the constant pain in the backside of printing slips and buying pencils, EVERYONE knows the singing order. It is, IMHO, the BEST way to remain absolutely fair on the rotation. There is no moving people around in the rotation, because every singer can see the board.

Roy Dennis January 27th, 2009 01:01 PM

Sounds good to me

Vinny January 27th, 2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by marklwood (Post 88733)
That is exactly what I did starting 6 years ago. Best move I ever made. Not only do I not have the constant pain in the backside of printing slips and buying pencils, EVERYONE knows the singing order. It is, IMHO, the BEST way to remain absolutely fair on the rotation. There is no moving people around in the rotation, because every singer can see the board.

Exactly. I went to one show and submitted my slips. After an hour, I got to sing my first song only after one girl sang three times. While I cater to my regulars, I try to be fair to all. This way helps and I don't have to try to remember when the last time this person sung.

mindonstrike January 27th, 2009 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by gators66 (Post 88729)
Cool topic.... I currently run 2 shows a week and am approximately 50% paperless. I have only been running these venues for a couple months and the old hosts were "all paper" so its taking some time to change minds.

I simply tell my singers that we are "an environmentally safe show" and every time they come up and request a song without that piece of paper and pencil that they are helping to save a tree. It's paying off and alot more of my regulars are seeing the light.

This is a logging/farming/mining economy around here, and they are all under attack. Enviromentalists are not very popular.
Perhaps a good marketing motto for me would be "save a job, use a songslip".

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