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Old March 15th, 2007, 08:46 PM
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Re Upgrading Microstudio to 4.000

I have 2 questions.

1) The computer I have connected to the internet has Microstudio version 3.004 on it. If I upgrade from 3.004 to 4.000 will I lose the 800 or so song files I have loaded into 3.004 ? If so, can I somehow save the song files (now in 3.004) and transfer them to version 4.000 rather than re-inputting them all again from CDG discs ? I ask this because it appears that downloading 4.000 will automatically uninstall 3.004 before installing 4.000.

2) My second computer,not connected to the internet, has version 2.611 on it. I plan to use my second download of 4.000 to install 4.000 on this computer probably via memory stick or cd. I've read on these forums of several problems re conflicts with 2.611 when trying to install another version. Would I be wise to delete 2.611 manually, then download 4.000 as a new program to this computer ? Next I would ask the same question I asked in #1 above. Can I somehow save the song files I have in 2.611 to transfer to the new 4.000 instead of having to reinput them from CDG discs ?

Thank you for any input you can give me.
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Old March 15th, 2007, 10:03 PM
George George is offline
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As far as the second question, yes uninstall 2.611 manually, then install 4000.
If any other MTU products get knocked out just reinstall them (assuming you saved the registration codes as MTU beat theirr brains out trying to get members to do.

For the first question, no song files are stored in Microstudio. They are in whatever folder you saved them in on your hard drive.
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Old March 16th, 2007, 03:36 PM
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Thank you for your reply George.

The following will make my lack of computer "savvy" obvious, but here is what I found in checking for a location of the songs in my "online" computer which now has version 3.004 installed on it. They appear to be in a folder titled "songs" with location and other info as follows:
25.7 GB 784 FILES, 1 FOLDER

To my mind, because it appears they are in a "Microstudio" file, I fear they may be deleted when I download 4.000 and it "uninstalls" 3.004, then installs 4.000. The "songs" folder must be the default location that Microstudio put them in when I uploaded from CDG as I did not, to my recollection, choose a file to store them in.

I guess all of the aforementioned just adds more questions. First, with this additional information, do you still feel that an "uninstall" will leave these files in the "songs file so I can use them in 4.000 ? Second, if the uninstall / reinstall does leave them alone, how do I get them into the 4.000 once installed ?

I've been using Microstudio since 2003, have upgraded several times over the years since, was even a Beta tester at one point, and love the Microstudio program. However, the reason I don't have an understanding of the "uninstall" / "reinstall" situation and have never had to be concerned about losing files or the file location of songs etc. is that I had 2 computer crashes in 2005 which necessitated a total reinstall twice. Everything was lost in both instances, so, no need to have a concern about losing song files as they were all gone and had to be reloaded anyway.

Sorry for the length of this posting. Any further help you can give would be appreciated. My best to Doug and all the hard working, fine folks at MTU.
Nytehorse 7 Jerry
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Old March 16th, 2007, 03:49 PM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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A uninstall of a program is a bit more controlled than a computer crash. When you uninstall version 3.004 only the program files get removed. All other files are left in their original location. So when you install version 4.0 and open the program, your songs will show up in the left window.
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Old March 16th, 2007, 06:44 PM
admin admin is offline
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IF... you were to follow the instructions in some Threads in this Forum and manually delete the \Microstudio folder, and your songs are in \Microstudio\Songs, then yes, YOU (not the uninstaller) would delete your songs.

If you want to be absolutely safe, move the files to another folder, such as C:\songs.

Microstudio 4.0 has a Browse button that you can find any folder and make it your new default from then on until you change it again.
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Old March 16th, 2007, 07:43 PM
George George is offline
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Originally Posted by admin View Post
If you want to be absolutely safe, move the files to another folder, such as C:\songs.
Not only would that be safe, it will be more convenient in the future to access the songs folder to make changes. You'd simply open your c: and there would be your song folder. That's what many of us do.
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Old March 17th, 2007, 02:34 PM
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Thank you all so much for your help.

Just a couple final questions and I'll hopefully be "good to go" with 4.000. I will preface these questions with the reminder that my "computer savvy" is not the best.

1. I've decided that I want to use your suggestion and move the "songs" file to a C:\songs file new folder. Briefly, how do I do that ?

2. With the answer to #1 above, I should be Ready to install 4.000 on computer #1 (connected to the internet). I will use the new 4.000 "browse" feature to make the new C:\songs folder my default after completing download.

On computer #2 (not connected to the internet), I'm going to save the songs presently in this computer to a newly created C:\songs folder then use the manual uninstall method to uninstall the 2.611 version, then install 4.000 as "new". I'm not sure about how downloading 4.000 from "internet" computer #1 to "non internet" computer #2 via a memory stick will go, but I believe there are instructions in the download package. If the above is all is correct, my final question is: Is there a simple way to copy the song files in computer #1 to computer #2 via memory stick ? Only reason I ask is that the songs I've uploaded into 3.004 on computer #1 comprise a complete list of all my songs where computer #2 with 2.611 only has a partial list uploaded.

Again, sorry for my lengthy post, but I just want to get it right. Thank you all again for your kindness, understanding, and help. I'll await your reply.

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Old March 18th, 2007, 08:32 AM
George George is offline
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1-I'd guess the simplest way to transfer the files to a new folder on C:\ would be to just copy and paste the songs folder to the c:\. Then rename the new folder.

#2- open TOOLS, DEFAULT FOLDER, and select your new folder. After you determine the new folder contains the files, and Microstudio defaults to it, delete the old folder. That's why I suggested renaming the new folder.

There should ber no problem transfering the Microstudio installation file to another computer with a memory stick.

I'd guess transferring the songs folder would depend on the size of the folder vs the size of the memory stick. I'm frankly on unknown ground here as I don't use memory sticks.

I have an ethernet card installed in both pc's and have them networked together. It's a snap to work back and forth that way, and saves a lot of time.

Someone with more expertise than me may have to help you regarding memory sticks. I'm quite limited in my pc savvy.
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Last edited by George; March 18th, 2007 at 08:53 AM.
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Old March 18th, 2007, 02:19 PM
George George is offline
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Originally Posted by George View Post
There should ber no problem transfering the Microstudio installation file to another computer with a memory stick.
After copying the installation file to the MTU folder on the pc that is not on line, start the installation in the normal manner. you'll be prompted to insert a floppy disc or a memory stick. Follow the instructions which will include registering the product using the pc that is on line.

Sorry I forgot that part of it in my haste to get to church this morning. Realized it after I left
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Old March 18th, 2007, 07:43 PM
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Thanks George. I just downloaded Microsudio 4.000 to both computers this afternoon. Both downloads went quite well. Only basic thing I have not tried is burning a disc, but I don't foresee any problems. Also have not tried recording yet but if I have any problems with any of the things I haven't tried, I will return to the forum for help. People like George, ddouglas and The Admin. unselfishly donate their time and knowledge to help us and really deserve appreciation from all of us for all their efforts. I offer my personal sincere "Thank You" to all.

Just "for the record", in case someone else has the same or similar questions that I had, I want to put a few comments, observations and suggestions in here that might help.

1. Installing 4.000 over 3.004 in my "internet" computer was a "piece of cake". Just follow the instructions. If you want to save your song files before installing 4.000 (as a safety precaution) move them to C: as pointed out by George in his post. However, do not use "copy and paste" or "send to" for all the files because you are using double the memory (I actually ran out of memory and had to change my method). I would suggest moving one song via one of the aforementioned methods to make sure your new folder "works". Then start using the "move to folder" option to move the files to your new folder. This will simply take them out of the file they are in and put them in your new file without doubling up memory use. Song transfer and using 4.000 browser to locate and get them into the program worked great on computer #1.

2. On computer #2, I did as planned and removed version 2.611 manually after moving my files from the "songlist" files to a new file on C: that I named "songs 4.000". I had my songs in folders ("country", 50's/60's" etc.) in the "songlist" file and had to open each folder individually and move the contents one group at a time to my new folder. Only problem I encountered was the "artist" information showed up in the 2.611 Microstudio window (when studio was open), but was not in the songlist file (???) , so when they were transferred to my new songs 4.000 file and ultimately shown in the new 4.000 list of songs, artist "Unknown" is shown on all songs.

Memory stick attempt to transfer additional songs from compter #1 to computer #2 was a failure. With over 27 GB of songs and a 2.0 GB memory stick there was no way and compressing was too slow to be an option.

Downloading and installing 4.000 via memory stick (internet computer to non internet computer) worked great !! Only advice: take your time & follow the instructions. (MTU did a great job with the instructions).

The only thing I noticed after completeion of 4.000 downloads to both computers was that on computer #1, the microphone is in the "on" postion when I open Microstudio while on computer #2 it is in the "off" position. This is by no means a problem or complaint, simply an observation. I don't think it should make any difference as the microphone can be manually turned on or off.

Again, my thanks to all for your help. I am looking forward to spending a lot of time using the new 4.000, by the way MTU, the "keyrite" and "vogone" are super additions to Microstudio. Great job on 4.000, keep up the good work Doug and the rest of the gang at MTU !! Your efforts are appreciated. I'll be checking the forum and welcome any questions or comments.
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Old March 19th, 2007, 09:11 AM
George George is offline
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Thanks for the kind words.

You might want to take a closer look at your memory. Reason I say that is I have never had a problem with memory when copying and pasting a songlist folder containing as much as 3/4 of a gig or so of files.

Matters not to me which method of transferring files someone else uses. That's not the point, but couldn't help wonder how much memory you're running on, and if there's plenty available, what's eating it up. Possible if the memory is on the lean side, or getting consumed somehow, you might encounter problems down the road. That's all I was thinking of.

As humongous as programs are getting, I feel at times I may be running a bit on the lean side with 512 mg, but having encountered no problems to date, see no reason to change at this point.

If ever forced to go to Vista due to no support for XP, mainly security upgrades, then the picture will probably change dramatically. It will take that to get me to change. I still prefer to own my computer, not Microsoft

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Old March 19th, 2007, 02:08 PM
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Thank you for your input re memory. I have 512 on both computer #1 and computer #2.

As I think about what you said, I'm wondering if I stated the situation I encountered incorrectly. Instead of running out of "memory" I think the warning I got was "low on hard drive" space. In the "heat of battle" while trying to get the songs moved and 4.000 installed, I think I had one of those "senior moments" you mentioned and replaced "low on disc space" with "low on memory" in my mind.

My total Microstudio song file size was 27.5GB. The total size of my C: drive is 108 GB. As it sets right now, I have 60 GB free space on C:. The 27.5 GB of songs for Microstudio make up a big part of the 48 GB of C: hard drive space I'm using. When I tried to "copy" the song files to the second location, I was actually trying to use another 27.5 GB of my C: hard drive space. That would have put my free hard drive space on C: down to 32.5 GB. If the computer said it was low on hard drive space and stopped my ability to continue copying, it must feel that somewhere just above 32.5 GB of free disc space is "too low". ???

I also have a D: "backup" shown which has 37.2 GB total and 37.1 GB free.

In discussing this, I'm in the "fog" of my knowledge re computers. Does what I said above sound right to you ?

Please don't think I was criticizing your suggestion of "copy and paste". I respect your suggestion and it sounded like the right way to go until I ran into the "out of space" situation. The "send to" option that I tried after the "copy and paste" seems to do the same thing as "copy and paste". So, next I tried the "move to" and everything went smooth.

Please give me your input on the above as I want to make sure this all makes sense and I have "got it right".

Thx George. NYTEHORSE7 Jerry
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Old March 19th, 2007, 03:26 PM
George George is offline
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Hey Jerry, what counts is you got it done, and no I didn't take any offense, I just thought you might be light on memory, but apparantly that's not the case.

Seems like you had enough space, but when it comes to computers they have a mind of their own. I know I cuss mine once in awhile, but when you really think about it, what happens when you hit the on button is pretty amazing.

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Old March 19th, 2007, 03:41 PM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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Jerry are you sure that message didn't say Low on Virtual Memory? Either way, rule of thumb is if you are moving files within the same hard drive use the Move command and if you are moving files between two different hard drives then you should copy and paste and delete original location after you verify they arrived at destination ok. This will generally keep you out of trouble.
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Old March 19th, 2007, 11:27 PM
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Hi guys. I appreciate your comments.

ddouglas, thanks for your comments and thoughts. I'm sure it wasn't a warning about virtual memory I received or it would have stuck clearly in my mind. I've occasionally dealt with the "low virtual memory" thing while working on my Yahoo website when something in my Yahoo Sitebuilder program "screws up" and drops the memory setting way down necessitating that I reset the virtual memory in the program back to 512. This song transfer warning was something new that I hadn't seen before and I am quite sure, in thinking back, that it said "low disc space". Thanks for asking tho' and I agree with your concensue regarding moving files.

George, "yes" the computer truly is an amazing thing. My 90 year old father says it is like "magic" and, from someone who started out in life without even electricity, I can understand his thoughts. Re my situation, As you said, the main thing is we "got 'er done" and I once again thank you and the other fine MTU members who have given me so much help. As I said, I'll be checking the forum periodically and will post if I have any problems. Thanks, Have a Great day.

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