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Old September 5th, 2011, 05:13 PM
kfortner51 kfortner51 is offline
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Question Ameri-sing - are they still producing

Is Ameri-Sing still in business, have they been bought out or just gone away as a company.
What other CDG producers have gone away.

If they have gone away does that make their product share-ware?
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Old September 5th, 2011, 08:27 PM
Lonman Lonman is offline
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Re: Ameri-sing - are they still producing

They've been gone for a few years. Very short lived.

Shareware? No - just because it is no longer produced doesn't mean you can still take it for free. Rumor has it the existing manufacturers are buying up the old trademarks of all defunct manufacturers to keep them active to sue upon.

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Old September 6th, 2011, 12:30 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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Re: Ameri-sing - are they still producing

Rumor has it the existing manufacturers are buying up the old trademarks of all defunct manufacturers to keep them active to sue upon.
One way to make a living i guess...the old sue mill. Now thats gotta be great for the karaoke industry. Not only are they sueing for active manu, they're sueing for manu's that have been reported as:
They've been gone for a few years.
And of course, this to is for the betterment of the karaoke industry. Sad...very sad indeed.

I was just telling my girlfriend after friday nights' show. That if my health was better i'd go back to disc, and continue using mtu's other products. The hassle and the acussations just aren't worth it. But, i'd love for someone to acuse me of being dishonest, i'd sue them on principle alone. D*m* sue mills.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 06:46 PM
RandyMcCharles RandyMcCharles is offline
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Re: Ameri-sing - are they still producing

I have bought a good number of clearance CDGs from defunct manufactures real cheap. Great way to get legal disks and add them to Hoster.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 11:40 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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Re: Ameri-sing - are they still producing

Randy, i have to. I'm sure most of us here have hit the ol bargin bin a time or two. The trouble is, there is so much repackaging going on you cain't be sure if yur purchasing original stock from that manu or not. Look at sweet georgia brown disc for instance. Been so many repackaging jobs done on those, i'm sure the set i purchased "white & Blue" "green & Red" are not from the original manu. Sure i kept the proof of purchase, so what. Yep, sur thought i was getting original issue product, bet i didn't. Thats just one of several examples. This stuff is so screwed up thanks to the greedy few, that we're never get it straightened out. But look on the bright's for the benefit of if you believe that, i got some legend disc with black and purple silk screen lables off ebay, i'll sell ya
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Old September 7th, 2011, 12:59 PM
RandyMcCharles RandyMcCharles is offline
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Re: Ameri-sing - are they still producing

Hmm. The vendors I go to are clearing their stock of discontinued disks for cost or sometimes less. The disks I buy are in original packaging. Doesn't mean they are not a good bootleg. These disks are usually $10-$15, not $5 and from manufacturerslike Monster Hits and, of course, Amerising. Also purchased quite a few disks from the dying breed on Canadian manufacturers, of which there are now zero. Also got some good deals from a karaoke retailer shutting down their business.
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