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Old May 21st, 2003, 09:53 PM
danny_g danny_g is offline
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Re: Number of Books

Originally posted by kedmison
I agree with MaddMatt. That's alot of books! I myself go with 9. 8 by artists and 1 by title. What I have found that helps with my regulars is I give them a little pinch clip (for a better word) and they keep their slips. They simply put them in the order that they want to sing and as they use them I put it to the back of their stack. Saves them time in looking up their favorites; saves me on paper even though I know that's probably insignificant. I also know some KJ's like the "sing one/bring one slip system" I still like the "bring me what you want to do." I program into Hoster who's to do what and those that are regulars, I put them back in their stacks; the others I pitch.

Does that mean that you cater totally to the Regular? This is the main reason I got into hosting because I felt I could do a "Fair" show. I don't care if you came in late or not if someone has the song up first and hasn't sung it yet I will not put the same song up for the late comer regular or not. If it comes in at the same time from 2 singers and I have time for both to do two songs, I'll put one of them in the first rotation and the other into the next, if one asks when it is coming up I tell them where I put those songs. All my clients are told up front that I operate in this manner and the idea is to put more people in the seats not just the regulars.
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Old May 22nd, 2003, 09:29 AM
TKaraoke TKaraoke is offline
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Pet peave of many people I know that karaoke, is that KJ's have books either by artist or song title, many people know one or tyhe other for different sonmgs or artists, all my books contain both artist and title sections, a little more to carry and print, but solves that problem. I personally hate have ato go to a show that has the book done one way or the other.
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Old May 22nd, 2003, 02:01 PM
MaddMatt MaddMatt is offline
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Double the pleasure


It's rare that I see two different books as well. Most places I have seen have it all in one. It does make for a bigger book or smaller printing but comes in handy to be able to peruse for new songs.
Matt Walter
Madd Matt's Entertainment
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Old May 22nd, 2003, 02:06 PM
flipper flipper is offline
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I have found that when I tried printing most of my books by title with one by artist (tried this only once). I rec'd too many complaints. So on the next printing I went back to it all in one book. More expensive "yes" but fewer complaints.

The seem to like it both ways.

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Old May 22nd, 2003, 07:20 PM
kedmison kedmison is offline
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You better reread my post again. You diffntly misuderstood. All I was saying is that for the people who come there all the time I give them a little clip. It's like a mini clamp that holds their slips together. This lets them take them with them when they leave so they can come back and use them again. It has nothing to do with who sings what or unfair treatment.

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Old May 22nd, 2003, 07:58 PM
MaddMatt MaddMatt is offline
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Another interesting idea

Maybe this should be in a new or different thread but I think giving your regulars something special for them is a great idea. Even if it is just a clip for their songs slips.

I could also picture printing up a sheet of song slips with their name already printed on it. Or slips laminated with their favorite songs. Maybe a clip with your business name on it so they always remember where they love to karaoke.

Any other ideas? Something that could really build up the regulars and keep them coming back to your events?

Madd Matt
Matt Walter
Madd Matt's Entertainment
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Old May 22nd, 2003, 08:06 PM
kedmison kedmison is offline
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Post Books


Just a though; books are expensive I agree. I had a fellow KJ who did what you did. All by title but one. And 90% of the singers complained. I use all by artist but one. I at least have found that most people know what artist or group they like to sing, much easier than they remember the titles. I think if you'll do this you'll make most of your customers very happy and save you money. And to make it easier, put all the artists books all in the same color and the title book different so it will be easier to find.

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Old May 22nd, 2003, 10:58 PM
Wayne White Wayne White is offline
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Cool My .02

I don't know how many customers/singers some of you have on a given night, but, to say 9 is a lot of books is amusing. We have some nights where we have more singers than can get up in a 4 hour show. With 20+ books handed out people are still coming up asking for books.

When our book count gets low in a system, the KJs get complaints & leave me notes about it. When I replace my books entirely, I start with 15 by Artist & 7 by Song Title. I use a IBICO comb binder machine & assemble my own books. I use white binders for Song & black for Artist. That way I can tell from a distance what type of book is on the table. I also print my Business Name at the Top & a line at the Bottom in Color, Blue for Artists Books & Red for By Song Name. The customers recognise the books by these colors, I use the binder color because the front sheet can easily get torn out. Besides my own advertising, I also have our 'every week jobs' listed on the front sheet. The back of the front sheet contains Tips on using the Mic, Dos & Dont's & an explanation of how we run the rotation.

I do agree that most people prefer the books by artist, but, then again people are constantly asking who sang a song. When I can't tell them, I say find a book with a white binder.

Do most of you hand out pens? I buy the Bics at 12 for just under a buck & still go through way to many of them. I have done pens with advertising on them, but, they are more expensive & leave even faster than the cheap Bics.

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Old May 23rd, 2003, 09:28 AM
TKaraoke TKaraoke is offline
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Wayne, just a couple thoughts, a friend of mine used IBICO binder, was always having books stolen, since he switched to ring binders not one gone. They would take the IBICO into washroom, put in in belt on their back and walk out. Also I use the little golf pencils, fairly inexpensive if you loose them so what.
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Old May 23rd, 2003, 10:22 AM
MaddMatt MaddMatt is offline
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small shows


I agree that my shows locally aren't nearly as big as what some of you guys are doing. I went out last night and got up around 5 times in 4 hours! I loved it but I am sure the bar would've liked to see more people getting up less and making them more money

It kind of makes me think about the need for a great KJ business locally.

Keep the pointers coming!
Matt Walter
Madd Matt's Entertainment
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Old May 23rd, 2003, 01:06 PM
flipper flipper is offline
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I keep all of my regular customers song slips in a 4x6 index file boxes. I have one box that has a tab for each the hard core regulars and then another box for the other customers indexed alphabetically.

I greet the regulars when they arrive and have their song slips in my hand when I walk to their table. It's a little extra that keeps them coming back.

It's also fun to watch the expression on the face of someone who has not been in for a couple months and you remember their name and have kept their song slips. It makes them feel special.

This works fine for me because I'm good with remembering names, it may or may not work for everyone.
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Old May 23rd, 2003, 03:17 PM
TKaraoke TKaraoke is offline
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Something I did was to have my song requests forms made, I have 5,000 at a time done, and have the edges gummed so they are little tablet like books, you just tear a sheet off. No slips laying all over the tables or floor at the end of the evening to pick up.
Some of my regulars, have asked for a pad, written their songs down, and have taken them home and lamintaed them, neat idea, works well. I have also taken an inexpensive Roladex, printed out my regulars names, plus some extras on Roladex cards, and got the plastic Roladex covers, and use them for my rotation. Works great, never go out of rotation accidentally, and you don't have to worry about your request forms getting knocked out of order. Plus when the singers see it with their name printed out on them they always make a comment about being special.
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Old May 23rd, 2003, 03:28 PM
danny_g danny_g is offline
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I no longer spend money on slips or pens- I have a computer program I got from a yahoo club I joined that allows me to have the customer com up to me and give me the name of the song and I keep a book with me at all times plus a laptop that I run my program on that handles rotation as well as tells me what they are singing. the group is Karaoke universe at:

try it out you might find some cool insights as well.

just so you understand this is justinfo for you guys. not an advertisement or anything like that.
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Old May 24th, 2003, 12:14 PM
bubba1453 bubba1453 is offline
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Book contents

All my books contain Songs by artist and by title. I have no problems with customers finding songs. Last night did a gig and ended up with between 100 and 200 people-way too many people- but it worked out. If I had only 7-9 books it would have been a disaster. What ever makes your customer happy is the ticket. But not redoing the books so often.
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Old June 1st, 2003, 04:50 AM
shortrounder shortrounder is offline
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Words of wisdom from the other side

I have just finished reading all the post on the merit of being a good KJ. I would like to tell some of the other side.(things some of you do ,or don't do.)


1.Keep to the rotation. If some one comes late to sing,make them wait for their turn, just like we all have been waiting.I hate it when some people come in and get put up to sing at the top of the rotation.
2. If you move things along between songs we are much happier.DON"T play a song that you like all the way thrue and have them stand there till it ends. I can go sit in my car and listen to the radio and hear that.
3.Don't have your friends there to sing with you and sing next by them self. A duet is your turn. Your song has been SUNG

Things I like

1.If some one is not a real good singer but is really having fun,give the all the support you can.Tell them songs you think will be Great for their type of voice.You can do this real easy if you think about it.
2.Books with music both ways are the best for me.
3.It is nice when all your song slips are keep in one place.
4.I like it when the KD lets me use my own disk, as I have played these at home and feel best with them.
5.If a song sounds to high, or low start over and make the change for them(and the people that are listening to them.)
6.A good gift of gab is nice .A happy KJ makes us happy.

Just some of my thoughts re me

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Old June 1st, 2003, 09:49 AM
danny_g danny_g is offline
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Re: Words of wisdom from the other side

Originally posted by shortrounder
I have just finished reading all the post on the merit of being a good KJ. I would like to tell some of the other side.(things some of you do ,or don't do.)


1.Keep to the rotation. If some one comes late to sing,make them wait for their turn, just like we all have been waiting.I hate it when some people come in and get put up to sing at the top of the rotation.
2. If you move things along between songs we are much happier.DON"T play a song that you like all the way thrue and have them stand there till it ends. I can go sit in my car and listen to the radio and hear that.
3.Don't have your friends there to sing with you and sing next by them self. A duet is your turn. Your song has been SUNG

Things I like

1.If some one is not a real good singer but is really having fun,give the all the support you can.Tell them songs you think will be Great for their type of voice.You can do this real easy if you think about it.
2.Books with music both ways are the best for me.
3.It is nice when all your song slips are keep in one place.
4.I like it when the KD lets me use my own disk, as I have played these at home and feel best with them.
5.If a song sounds to high, or low start over and make the change for them(and the people that are listening to them.)
6.A good gift of gab is nice .A happy KJ makes us happy.

Just some of my thoughts re me

p1 nice if you have time - I always allow at least one song per singer each night there for If It means upsetting people already there to make sure everyone gets to sing thats the way it goes- I'll always allow someone who hasn'tsung a chance to sing over someone who is already on thier third or dourth song. It is only fair. Otherwise I stick to the rotation.
I totally agree with peeves 2 and 3 as well as likes 1,2,3 and five.
as for number 4 once I go to all computer I won't be able to allow people to bring their disc- they can tell me what version they have and if I deem it a better quality to what I have already or if it is actually an unplugged version or something like that then I'll go out and buy the version to add to my system. I intend to have only one version of each song on my systm by the time I am done and it will be the best version out there- determined first by graphic quality, then by audio.
as for six I believe any wasted vocals unless the show is slow takes up too much time so I go with very short intros for each singer. I joke with the customers off mike to save time unless they are taking extra time getting up to the mike. If they do I take that time to announce any specials that the bar is having.
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Old June 1st, 2003, 01:40 PM
MaddMatt MaddMatt is offline
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Is this the place?

I am not sure this is the place for it but since it was already brought up....

I think that a fair rotation is to leave people in the order their slip was put in.

"what about the latecomer?"

He'll learn to come earlier if he wants to sing. With anything else, timing is everything. If I show up for 9:00 show at 9:00 I do that so I know can I get in at least one song. Why would you punish the loyal guy who is there with some food and drinks in front of him for some guy who walks in the door 20 mins before you finish?

When you are playing pool or a video game in the same bar, do you have to stop playing when someone new comes in? People play in the order they came.

This is why I like a list over slips. When you get up to sing, you write your name on the list for another song. The rotation is out there for everyone to see and the KJ just works down the list. No one moves up and no one complains. Here is the order for everyone to see.

Madd Matt

never short on $0.02
Matt Walter
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Old June 2nd, 2003, 12:00 PM
flipper flipper is offline
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There are many different ways to run a rotation and I have found that they all have their merits. Remember what works in one venue may not work well in the next.

If I have a short rotation I add a new singers in at the end. If I have a big rotation, I lace new singers in about every 4th or 5th singer. The wait would be the same for the guy that came in at 9pm regardless where I stick the new singers. Rotation time is just that, total time to run thru the rotation before he sings again.

Those Folks that come in late usually are coming in from anonther venue and are excellent candidates for becoming one of my regulars. If they like the music selection, vocal mixing and place of business maybe they will come back with more folks next week, and come earlier. This is how I have built such a loyal bunch of regulars. Remember those folks that come in late are spending money too.

I have found no perfect way to run a rotation, no matter which way you do it you will not please everyone. I always run a fair one though! I will do my best to accomodate special requests but not at the expense of my customers.

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Old June 2nd, 2003, 07:15 PM
kedmison kedmison is offline
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Thumbs up Rotation


Best I've heard yet!! I agree with you 100%. You do yours just about like I do mine. And I too have built a large following, so apparently I'm doing something right. And you're right; you're neber going to please everyone. Being "fair" is the main thing, and going by the "book" and never being flexiable is not always the "fair" thing to do. You said it all very well.

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Old June 3rd, 2003, 08:22 AM
MaddMatt MaddMatt is offline
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Interesting perspective


As the title of this thead confirms, I think that is an interesting perspective

In the end, if the Kj is trying to be fair and that is apparent then I guess any of the above ways will work fine.

Do you ever let the people know that you are sprinkling in new peope? For all the talking that KJ's do doing a show, it seems that some forget to keep everyone appraised of what is going on: Who is next, who is on deck, etc.

Madd Matt
Matt Walter
Madd Matt's Entertainment
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