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Old June 30th, 2002, 07:52 AM
T.Wright T.Wright is offline
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Just a thought, have you still got adaptec direct CD loaded,
only I had problems with adaptec direct CD and microstudio on the same drive, If you have, uninstall adaptec reboot and then try Microstudio again,
Hope this helps.

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Old June 30th, 2002, 10:54 AM
WallerMan WallerMan is offline
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Open to all ideas

Hi George,
Okay I'm running a Compaq Presario 5BW130... It has 192 MB memory, and a 667 Celeron Processor, OS is 98SE... I have 2 internal CD drives, one being a CDRW... I just purchased through MTU an external Plextor 40/12/40u CDRW drive... I'm running it through USB1...
I have confirmed all the ASPI drivers are correct, I'm running DirectX 8.1
On the 2 internal CD drives I have all of the correct settings toggled on.. On the New Plextor external drive(might this be the problem)It does not offer me a box to check DMA under device manager and drive properties... I have updated all the firmaware from Compaq, I have defragged my drive, deinstalled and reinstalled everything twice now...even the ASPI drivers...
As I mentioned, everythings cool while the disc downloads to my harddrive but when I go to make the burn, it locks about halfway through everytime... Got to be something we're missing... Never gas any problems burning audio or data cd's with adaptec... which by the way I deinstalled adaptec...
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Old June 30th, 2002, 08:04 PM
George George is offline
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Sorry for not replying sooner, been at a family reunion all day. Just for kicks have you tried burning a cdg at 1X speed? (go watch a movie while it's doing it's thing.) Can't help but wonder if this isn't somehow a freeky buffer underrun problem. If it burned at 1X it certainly wouldn't curt the problem, but might help identify it.

It's moments like this that make me want to take a computer
tech course

Take care,

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Old June 30th, 2002, 09:07 PM
WallerMan WallerMan is offline
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Hi George

Hi and Once again thanks for the advice... Just burned another shiney coaster at 1x... Locked up at the same place... 8th track 65%...
I am beginning to think this is flawed software from MTU... I have loaded it and reloaded it off the cd they shipped me, and still no workey..
I am bummed out at this point and will not have much time this week to work on it... Hopefully Tech support will have something brighter to say than " Dude, did you load the aspi driver?"... That seems to be prevalent in most of their posts here...
...Eric a.k.a The WallerMan
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Old June 30th, 2002, 10:08 PM
George George is offline
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Do you still have the email they sent that contains the download link? If so, try downloading a fresh version. Uninstall the old first. if you have the same problem, that would cancel out the cd program as being flawed. If not, then it might be the cd, who knows?

For best results download to save, then open, don't run from location, but you probably already knew that.

Take care,


The rain that sat in Houston all day yesterday has visited us all day today.
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Old June 30th, 2002, 10:46 PM
WallerMan WallerMan is offline
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Hey George I'm liking the rain..

Okay I ordered the drive and the software cd together... Never got emailed a link to download the software.... There has got to be something I'm missing here... F'rinstance, the external plextor drive... Under device manager and properties, it does not have a box to check DMA... Is it because somethings wrong or is it because it's an external drive? Hmmm. I just don't know...

By the way, The rain is still here this evening... Keeps coming off the gulf... Kind of glad though, we have been very very dry this summer here outside of Houston...
Dern I want this thing to work... Never had this much trouble copying plain CD's... Took me five minutes to get Adaptec working...
...Eric aka Wallerman
PS: Sent a copy of DirectX diagnosis to customer support..
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Old July 1st, 2002, 12:57 AM
George George is offline
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Sorry I wasn't able to accomplish much of anything for you over the weekend other that to give you some company. I'm glad I didn't bet any money on a memory or buffer underrun problem.
I'm not certain, but you might email support and see if they's email you a download link so's you can start fresh and determine if it might be in your cd.

Take care,

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Old July 1st, 2002, 04:37 AM
T.Wright T.Wright is offline
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Try downloading demo of clone cd, from there site, which also burns CD&G's. to see if you still have the same problem, if so its not the program.

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Old July 1st, 2002, 11:49 AM
WallerMan WallerMan is offline
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Thanks for the advice

Thanks for the advice.. I will try that tonight when I get home..
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Old July 1st, 2002, 12:28 PM
kedmison kedmison is offline
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Question XP

Could someone please answer this? I'm planning on getting the Hoster program. Possibly with the laptop. My question is, is it the intent of MTU to run this program and Microstudio on XP? If they are I will make plans to update my home pc also.

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Old July 1st, 2002, 12:28 PM
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The only thing that I can think of is that if you check to make sure under your Drives Menu in Microstudio, make sure that there is a check next to Enable BurnProof. If this is not checked this is your problem.

There should be no DMA checkbox for the USB External drives, as you said cause they aren't on the IDE chanell, which contains the DMA. It is possible that your USB drivers may be giving you some grief, or something is slowing your system down, and not allowing the drive to get the data fast enough, to burn it to the CD. Can you try using ONE of your Taiyo Yuden discs, just to see if it will work and make sure its not the Memorex discs?

The other thing you should try is this. Go to Plextors website and download the Latest firmware version for this 40x USB drive. You can get the latest firmware for that drive from:

I have just looked at your DXDIAG and everything looks fine. THe only thing that I do see is that you would have problems with your Video card that is installed as it is an Intel 810E chipset motherboard, with built in graphics. You wouldn't beable to run the Karaoke Home Producer on this system, because you only have 3.0 MB of Video memory, KHP requires 8.0 MB as a Min. This is not needed for the Microstudio though, so this would have no effect on that.

Everything else looks good, in the system.

Let me know what happens with the Firmware from Plextor.
Bryan, MTU
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Old July 1st, 2002, 12:35 PM
WallerMan WallerMan is offline
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Thanks for the advice I will try that

I do have burn proof checked in the MTU software... I mostly plan to use this to copy my discs for my KJ show... I will go to plextor's site and see if there are any other upgrades for that drive... I will try another brand of disc as well.. Just kind of wierd that it would lock up same place every time...I'm betting it's got to be a firmware issue with Plextor, thats the only thing I haven't looked for new drivers on.. Thanks! I'll give that a try tonight...
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Old July 1st, 2002, 12:54 PM
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Yea, You've got me. I am not sure what else would cause this unless you just happened to get a Plextor that has an older Firmware version or something, but thats all I can think of off hand right now.

The other things is try burning a CD using the Adaptec EZ CD Creator, just doing Audio and make sure it works. If not then there is a problem with something in your USB drivers talking to the system correctly. Or some other type of hardware error. This could be a sanity check, to make sure were not banging our heads on a brick wall, and that its not only our program.
Bryan, MTU
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Old July 2nd, 2002, 10:50 PM
WallerMan WallerMan is offline
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Angry Still No Workie

downloaded the new firmware... could not open it. was telling me I needed wnaspi32dll?????? I am not sure what the heck that means...
I am not a happy camper right now... I have spent a buncha money and still can't copy a dern thing... Give me some more ideas...
Tried reinstalling Adaptec... That worked fine... copied audio no problem...
De Installed it again... What is the deal.. stopped dead same spot.. Killed an expensive Mitsui disc this time...
Not Happy.... Need this to work...

Help!! About to throw this stuff out in the cow pasture...
...Eric... WallerMan
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Old July 3rd, 2002, 11:02 AM
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You must upgrade the ASPI drivers from:

This should fix the problem. If not then I will also email you an ASPI driver for the USB, but you will need to make sure you have updated the drivers above first to make sure this other drive would work.
Bryan, MTU
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Old July 3rd, 2002, 11:35 AM
WallerMan WallerMan is offline
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Okay dokey

AllRighty... I have already updated the drivers to your specs... Checked and confirmed them again... Could be the USB driver... Good possibility... However when updting the firmaware for the Plextor, I got that error about wnaspi32.dll? I am not that technical so what is that? That error wouldn't let me update the firmware in my Plextor?
Look I know I sound frustrated but I know these things happen with software etc. thanks for your help..
Eric aka The Wallerman
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Old July 3rd, 2002, 12:56 PM
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As you said, if your getting that error when trying to install the Firmware updates, there is a missing piece on your system. This is definately your problem for everything. You must install the file that I am going to email you to the exact location that it states in the email, and it should ask you if you want to overwrite and say yes. If this still doesn't fix the problem with you being able to update the Firmware, I would try calling Plextor and see if they can tell you what is wrong. There website is
Bryan, MTU
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Old July 3rd, 2002, 08:46 PM
WallerMan WallerMan is offline
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Where is the emailed file?

I didn't receive the file you emailed me... Also as I bought the drive and the software from MTU perhaps you should call Plextor on my behalf. I am kind of busy this week and I would very much appreciate it...
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Old July 3rd, 2002, 11:01 PM
WallerMan WallerMan is offline
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Burned 2 more coasters and I'm not exactly happy.

Never got the file you said you emailed me... Never was able to update the firmware on the plextor.. Checked all ASPI's for the tenth time they are the correct version. Checked the version of DirectX again for the tenth time... Am now getting a new error... While trying to update the firmware for this $269.00 Plextor paperweight, I'm now getting a firmware data error code 04-40-fs.... Do you have anybody on staff that can advise as to why this stuff will not work... Also, Your software when the system locks up during the burn at exactly the same spot (track8 65%) every time regardless of the brand of media which I have wasted a bunch of... Is now causing a complete lock up of my system and sometimes is causing exception errors... To say I am dissatisfied at this point tonight is mild... I need this system to work.. I never had any trouble copying audio cd's or data cd's....
Do y'all Test these Plextor drives to see which edition of the firmware they come with before you ship them? The version that came with it was from 99.... Does that mean this box was sitting on your shelf for two years? I am about out of patience and ideas at this point...I also don't have this kind of time to waste on this...I am asking you to call Plextor and get some advice from them as well as a reason why the firmware update will not work.. Have downloaded it multiple times and it says it can't find the drive... I also dowloaded the USB drivers from their site.... Let me know what you find out..
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Old July 5th, 2002, 11:10 AM
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Plextor will need the person with the drive there to call them, due to them wanting you to try things while you are on the phone. They have an 800 number so you won't be charged for calling them. The number is: 1.800.886.3935 . We support the drives no problem with our software, but you are having a problem, which seems to be hardware related. Please call them ASAP, that way we can make sure nothing is actually wrong with the drive.

Yes we test everyone of these drives. We don't upgrade the firmware, we leave whatever Plextor has shipped with, because 99% of the time we don't have any problems with what they ship with. These drives have not been sitting on our shelves for more than a week. We have a very high turn around so they come in and go out usually within a week.

This is a problem that no one here would be able to diagnose. Plextor will need the drive in front of the person so that they can try to diagnose it.

Please also try to burn just an audio CD from the Adaptec EZ CD Creator program. See if that works or if you get errors with that also.

When you informed me you have Windows 98, I did not send the file as is only for Windows 2000 or XP. This is why it wasn't sent.

Call Plextor and in a few minutes they can tell you either what is wrong with the drive, or what is causing this.

I called Plextor for you and talked to tech support. They said the same thing I did; make sure that the ASPI drivers are updated correctly. They want you to call them so they can figure out what is wrong. They also said to download the firmware again to make sure it was not a bad download.

I got case number 34656 for you to give Plextor Tech support. They can see the information that I gave them, that you gave me in this forum and through emails.
Bryan, MTU
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