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Old October 29th, 2002, 10:22 AM
Join Date: Nov 2000
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George seems to have explained it exactly as what should be working correctly.

When you click on the Write file button and then try to listen to the new file, what program are you opening this file in to listen to it? If you are just clicking Play in Vogone it is going to play the original file, not the newly created file. Is the file actually being created on your hard drive? You can find this by going to Windows Explorer and looking in the directory that you are saving this file into, and make sure that it does exist there. If it does exist then double click on it, it should then bring up Windows Media Player to play this file. If it then plays and the vocals are reduced then you know Vogone is working, if not then you know its not. Let me know what you find.
Bryan, MTU
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Old October 29th, 2002, 10:48 PM
nashjar nashjar is offline
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I am playing the created file in Real One. I do know exactly how to navigate my PC. I am a systems engineer supporting content management systems for my company's clients, including Windows Server support, etc. I am more than competent as far as handling a PC and most software.

However, I still cannot find clear cut instructions on the order of the steps to take to reduce vocals and save the file with the vocals reduced. The instructions that come with the software seem haphazard, at best. I have simply asked for direct instructions on the exact steps, but no one can seem to answer this question.
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Old October 29th, 2002, 10:54 PM
George George is offline
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Sorry, you were given clearly written step by step instructions on how to use Vogone earlier in this thread.

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Old October 29th, 2002, 11:03 PM
nashjar nashjar is offline
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George, I didn't want to seem rude, but I guess have to come right out and say it. I appreciate your attempt, but your earlier post did not help me a bit. That is why I tried to quietly email for support directly, but have become increasingly aggravated that I can neither get them on the phone nor do they answer email requests for support.

"After you've processed it through Vogone and want to save your work..." This particular line assumes I know exactly what you mean by processing it through Vogone, but this is exactly the piece I am asking for instructions on.

Again, I appreciate your attempt, George, but it just didn't answer my question.
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Old October 29th, 2002, 11:09 PM
George George is offline
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"Processing" meant after you have completed the vocal removal/reduction procedure, which also was explained in a post on the same day. Trying to solve the problem, but can't figure what's falling through the cracks. Perhaps if you started fresh and wrote each step you take down, and post them up to and including where you get bogged down, I'll be able to spot something. Fair enough?


Wait a minute, something just clicked. You say you can't save the work, yet you also say you are playing the "created " file in Real 1. You must be saving then, right, so what's the problem ? I'm starting to think you may be working with some material that will simply not show much vocal removel, but the program is working. That is a distinct possibility.
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Old October 29th, 2002, 11:26 PM
nashjar nashjar is offline
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George, I am not here to fight with you, and do not really understand why you are trying to pick a fight.

I am asking for MTU Support for a product I have purchased from them. You seem disturbed by the fact that I want support from the company that manufactures this software, but it is my right as I have paid for the suite in full.

Thank you again for your attempt at assistance.
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Old October 31st, 2002, 05:48 PM
Join Date: Nov 2000
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When you do the "Processing" here are exact steps, in less detail than is in the manual.

Step 1) Click the Select Input File button. Find and open the .wav file on your computer that you wish to process.

Step 2) Click the Low button. This begins playing the selected wav files Low Frequencies.

Step 3) Drag the slider to the right or left that is beside the Low button. You want to do this until you hear the least amount of the Vocals in the Low Frequencies. Once you are happy with this, Click the Stop button to stop play.

Step 4) Click the High Button and do the exact same as in Step 3 by moving the Slider Next to the High Button. Then click the Stop button to stop Play.

Step 5) Now make sure that the Slider for Remove is set to Max to start with. This was the default.
NOTE: If this is set to MIN it won't remove anything at all. This setting can only be changed if the Modify for Karaoke is unchecked. Once you have done this click the Play Vogone button. This will then begin to Playback the entire processed song.

While the Song is Playing with the Play Vogone button you can make any adjustments as above. Once you are happy with the way the song sounds. Press the Stop button. You can also go back and forth between the Play Original and Play Vogone buttons to hear the differences. If the Volume is Low on the Play Vogone version you can increase this by using the Output Amplitude slider by moving it up the scale while playing increase the amplitude.

Now once you have finished with the Song, click the Create Output File button, click on the Original Song name, then add something such as v or Vogone to the end of the songname. This way you know this is going to be your new file. Then click Save. Once you have done this, you must then click the Write File button to the right of this button. This will then ask you Do you wish to create a new File? "Yes or No". Click the Yes button to create the new file on your Hard drive. Then you will see the Slider at the top called Location will then begin to move. You will also see the colored Peak Meter beside Output Amplitude moving. When the Processing is done, you will see a dialog box pop up saying: Done Processing File!. Click the Ok button and the file has now been written to your hard drive.

The new file has now been stored in the same directory that the original file was located in. You can now go and find this file on your system and play it in any player that you wish. It should sound the same as the "Processed File" did in Vogone.
Bryan, MTU
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