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Old February 12th, 2005, 12:26 AM
bridge bridge is offline
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cdg + mp3

can I burn a karaoke cd with 2 extra music songs (not karaoke)?
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Old February 12th, 2005, 01:35 PM
jahern jahern is offline
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Re: cdg + mp3

There are at least two ways, one of them involving KHP and the other involving an audio disc with your non-karaoke songs on it and assuming, of course, that you have a cdg compliant cd burner.

Let's go with the non-KHP first, using only Microstudio. (maybe a file convertor or mp3 burner program)

1. Make an audio disc with your non-karaoke songs on it. *
2. Open Microstudio-Select "Import Tracks"
3. Using your audio disc in your CDG compliant cd-Rom/Burner select "CDG" as your file type.
4. Microstudio will extract, or import, these files in a format that will work with any cdg compilation you want to burn. (They are definitely not wave files, but some people won't let me call them CDG files )

*Creating the audio disc might involve converting mp3 to Wave (Microstudio will not do that, but will burn a Wave compilation. Or it might involve a program that burns mp3 right to disc-Check out the MusicMatch Jukebox demo if you don't have a program.

KHP method (KHP is another program)

1. Convert your mp3 to Wave
2. Use KHP to create a legitimate cdg file (your text could just be the name of the song)
3. Use in a CDG compilation of your choosing (Microstudio, etc.)
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