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Old April 10th, 2004, 04:57 PM
rhythmace rhythmace is offline
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Question adjust lyrics screen

I don't quite understand how to use this feature. I read the manual, but it dosen't give me enough information. I played around with it a little, but didn't any results. the words started highliting before the song started. etc. i hope someone can help me on this, because i think this is thye most important part of the program. I've got karaoke suite #4. thank you
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Old April 12th, 2004, 01:58 PM
jimbo jimbo is offline
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With this screen you can adjust where the word starts and stops to stripe. Click on the word you are trying to adjust. The word should be underlined and then by using the buttons in the box you can adjust forward or backwards. I have found the usually when adjustments are needed, words before or after also need to be adjusted. You can adjust more words at the same time by holding down the shift key and then making your adjustments. It takes a lot of practice. Also, if you want to really see the adjustments, for trial and error and getting to learn how to use the adjust, go to the advanced box and change the adjust amount to something large, like a second or so. I have mine set at .2 seconds and can do most of my adjustments from there. I know that if I click forward or back five times that is one second.

Hang in there. It just takes some practice and getting use to.

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Old April 12th, 2004, 05:54 PM
admin admin is offline
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I basically agree with Jimbo...

However, in the Advanced settings, I would suggest you select WORDs instead of SECONDs. Then, enter 2 or 3 words to start playing before and continue playing after. That way, you get sufficient "pre-roll" of the song lyrics and music to be ready to move the selected word(s) forward or backwards.

Also, to select multiple words to move, press and hold the Shift key, then left-click the other words. The word you stop play on will already be underlined (selected), and Shift-clicking others will underline them also. Then, when you use the adjust keys, all selectd words will adjust the same amount.

Holding the Shift key down while adjusting I believe makes the MOVED AMOUNT 10 times what the un-Shifted adjust buttons would move the words. Thus, Shift is used when you are WAY OFF the mark and need to move the words a large amount quickly.
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Old April 12th, 2004, 06:06 PM
jimbo jimbo is offline
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Yes I do have the music start playing to words before my word I'm going to change. I'm just talking about how far a "click" will adjust the time forward or backwards. This is available only in seconds.

Thanks for the hint about holding the shift key down while adjusting. I think that will be beneficial to me in some cases, instead of having to hit the adjust key 20 times to move the words.

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Old April 12th, 2004, 08:05 PM
rhythmace rhythmace is offline
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Smile adjust lyrics screen

thank you jimbo and admin for your help. believe me it is great to know that all you people take time out of your day to help us folks who don't know much about the modern computor. thanks again. the rhythmace
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