I just did the upgrade to 4.20. I have a couple of questions. All is working fine for the most part. But why has duplicating slowed way down? It is really slooooooooow now. Takes forever to make a backup disc. Also, my computer won't let me open the Users Manual? whats with that? something about windows won't let me view "Active X" or "Scripts"?? Is the User Manual on the MTU website? I just installed the upgrade right over my previous version. Should i uninstall everything, and reinstall? I'm using Windows XP. One last thing. I've notice 4.20 is real "Blank Media Sensitive". This version doesn't like my Sony, Maxell, or Fugi media. But will record like downtown on my cheap $5.99 for 50 CD's Philips. If i had hair, i'd pull it out.