Plextor USB2 8/8/24
Purchased Plextor from MTU Dec 2001. Purchased Laptop with XP Home Feb 2002. Have OrangeMicro card for USB2. It is now Sept 2002 and I cannot Microstudio (now 2.315) to write when Plextor is attached through the USB2. It does write on the old laptop with ME, but always seemed to be at USB1 speed. It writes on XP if installed to the USB1 port.
Additional info - If I reboot when attached to USB2, XP does not load driver and reports that a duplicate device is running (code 42). I can reboot and then attach to USB2. Sometimes when attaching to USB1 XP reports a high speed device is being attached to a low speed port. I have installed all updates for XP (except SP1), firmware, DX, Sony BIOS. I have followed all instructions from MTU, OrangeMicro and Plextor. I have spent many hours with support. OrangeMicro even replaced their card to be sure. DXDiag attached.
Does MTU know how to solve this problem?