Cannot import songs from disks
Running ver. Has been running fine for years. Now it will not load songs from disks, and when I try to write a disk from songs I already have on my computer, it writes and says it\'s O.K., but when I play the disks, songs play for a few seconds, then quit and show as \"Played\". I have tried the disk drive that came with my computer which has worked since I got it, and also using the ASUS disk I purchase from MTU which also worked prior to this. I\'ve done no updates of any kind.
When I try to import songs from a disk (a factory disk), it just shows the box saying \"Preparing Disk\", and never does anything. When I cancel, it says it cancels, but does nothing else. When I try to get out of Microstudio it does nothing. I have to use the Task Manager to get out of it. Pretty frustrating for a customer of over 20 years. Hope someone can help.