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Old August 19th, 2003, 10:51 AM
Jimz201 Jimz201 is offline
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Microstudio 2.506 dosn't display graphics properly

I downloaded the upgrade 2.506 for microstudio obtained the password etc. and installed it.
It tells me installation is successful but when I am on the play tab and try to play a cdg song the graphics are distorted (they are broken up and have black lines running through them.
I'm running XP with a 1.8 gig processor and 1 gig of ram. the graphics are clear if I use the true color setting but break up when I try to go full screen it breaks up.
I'm ruuning DirectX 9 and have the newest drivers from adaptec.
I have reinstalled 2.400 and every thing works perfectly.
Has anybody else had any trouble or does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix this?
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Old August 19th, 2003, 10:57 AM
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This is a bug that was pushed back. This code got broken in the Upgrade and was unable to be fixed. You will need to set this back to the Windowed Mode for it to work. It will not work on the 8bit mode.

To make the Windowed mode go full screen double click on the Window and it will then go to full screen.

This bug will be fixed in the next release of Microstudio in the future.
Bryan, MTU
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Old August 23rd, 2003, 01:43 AM
POWELL36571 POWELL36571 is offline
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Old August 23rd, 2003, 08:22 AM
George George is offline
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Read the opening post in this thread and MTU Support's response.

If you have an older system that requires 8 bit resolution,and will not work in windowed mode, then uninstall 2.506 and go back to what version you were using until this gets fixed.

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Old August 23rd, 2003, 10:26 AM
mlepine mlepine is offline
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Unhappy keep your Micro 2.4

From what I can see, we should keep the previous version of Microstudio.

Problem with the 8 bit graphic mode, still the Mute effect, no purpose behind the window mode...

Beside been able to read the 52X Plextor driver & consume less processor, why change to 2.5???

With all respect, the 2.5 version looks to me like when Windows launch their Windows Me. It came out to soon, not completed & with Bugs!!

How can a Freeware software (audio program) allow me to run 2 program with out the Mute effect?

My suggestion, KEEP THE 2.4 Version if it's working properly

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Old August 23rd, 2003, 10:43 AM
George George is offline
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The only advantage I can see to the windowed mode anyway is for those who wish to use dual display.

Beyond that, Microstudio is a Karaoke player, so when you really think about it, who would multi task with a Karaoke player when you'd be too busy doing something else to see the graphics ( if the new program didn't cover them up anyway), and only be able to listen to a Karaoke background lead vocal or instrumentation. Doesn't make sense to me.

Given that, I don't understand the concern regarding not being able to "do other things" while playing Microstudio, or frankly MTU promoting it as a benifit to most users. If it did work, you'd wind up with a covered up graphics screen, and not much music.


Last edited by George; August 23rd, 2003 at 02:32 PM.
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Old August 25th, 2003, 09:42 AM
jahern jahern is offline
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Dual Display

I'm not sure what is meant by the term "Dual display" If it is meant as "to be able to look at several karaoke files while adding those songs to a list on Excel" or similar tasks, then of course the windowed mode is for those who wish to use dual display. I was wondering whether to shell out the $15 to get my upgrade. This was the point that convinced me. I was the one shelling out the dough. With all respect to those who don't have a similar desire, it doesn't really make any difference to whom else it makes sense. It made sense to me. Since I don't get to read the Beta Testers input I didn't have any idea that this crucial (to me) feature was not working and when I read the description of the new version it was inferred that the feature was working. Where was I supposed to get the truth??? Disappointed.

PS Are we able to edit our posts again????
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Old August 25th, 2003, 10:22 AM
George George is offline
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By "dual display" I was referring to the ability to move the Microstudio play screen to a remote monitor or t.v. for viewing.

Edit has been enabled.

Take care,


Last edited by George; August 25th, 2003 at 11:18 AM.
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Old August 25th, 2003, 01:38 PM
pcgumshoe pcgumshoe is offline
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I'd rethink this...

Why? I will tell you why.

Firstly, I don't trust any of these so called databases (even yours) and when I go out (every week) and buy new music ($200-$300 worth) I bring it home and I check certain songs for correctness of sound and lyrics. I often try new brands or versions of songs and I am always striving to have the best, biggest, and closest to the orginal versions.

So, every Sunday when I come home with my new music selections, I sit down at my computer knowing that I want to listen and watch many of the songs all the while I am entering the information into Excel so that I can have the New Music Selections printed for that nights show.

Also, right now as I am typing this post to MTU, I could (if it were supported) be listening to a song. This may sound off the beaten path, but to me, playing the song in the background would be very helpful.

Sometimes when I am trying to correct errors printed on CDs, I switch back and forth from Microstudio to Excel. Here is an example. My disk #118 is a Pocket Songs Patsy Cline CD. It is multiplexed in that 1/2 of the 20 songs have a singer and the other 1/2 don't. Since I input all the information from the cover of the CD I have the tracks incorrect. Invariably when someone asks to sing "Walking After Midnight" I had to remember that that track (and others) were wrong on the cover.

Yesterday I was preparing for my quarterly full book print and I was trying to remember all my problem disks. This one came to mind and I thought, "Okay, pop it in to Microstudio and check Excel for continuity!" It was annoying as heck to have that audio switch off and on. Really! I found a missing song from that CD and corrected all the track numbers.

So my vote, and I make my vote as a semi-pro, is for the ability to have it play in the background. You don't have to make it so, but that is why I use it. Otherwise I am going to have to have a Karaoke Player on my ever decreasing in size desk.
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Old August 25th, 2003, 03:02 PM
George George is offline
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If you were directing your comments to me, you make it sound as though I'm MTU Staff, and have any decision in this issue. I am not, and do not.

I simply see Microstudio for what it is, a karaoke player, and most of the time Karaoke songs have no melody.

I was expressing my opinion, that being that I see no sense in having a track without any melody playing in the background, while doing other tasks, which is what most of the furor on this topic hear and in other threads has been about.

I find checking the accuracy of a manufactured cdg for errors( sweep out of sync, etc) to be an attention commanding task and still cannot see how that could be accomplished with the play screen covered up with other functions.. I guess we're all different.

That's why they have chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

Gotta get off and see to my other pc. Acting goofy and may have to take it to the shop.

Take care,

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Old August 25th, 2003, 03:10 PM
pcgumshoe pcgumshoe is offline
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Talking Strawberry for me

Yes we all have our own unique tastes... I agree with that. I was just pointing out to your question why someone would want to... As far as not working for MTU, with as many posts as you have, by George I think you should!

All kidding aside. I find that having Microstudio on my computers helps me access a song more easily either to show it to someone without having to power up my whole karaoke system or just to relax to while I am working.

If there were a song I wanted to practice, having a small square in the upper corner of my monitor while I am working would help me cause I could look to it when I get lost and then go back to my business....

I still vote for being able to have the screen available in that sense. Microstudio is MORE than just a karaoke player. It is for assemblying and disassemblying audio from CDs either karaoke or wave, I only recently started to use it more as a player. I stick to my guns, however, and vote background.

No offense inteneded, but I still prefer Strawberry!
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Old August 25th, 2003, 03:13 PM
pcgumshoe pcgumshoe is offline
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Post Script:

Sometimes the songs do have the melody, MULTI-PLEX... helps me learn.

And another thing, sometimes when I try to play a Karaoke Disk using Windows Media (just to listen to) It won't play or it is very slow at loading... Microstudio is intended for the disks I listen to. 99 out of a hundred times, I never heard the original... just one singer at my bar singing it... it will always be their song.

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Old August 25th, 2003, 04:06 PM
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Why 2.506 version released early?

We had the code in for over a month to read/write the 52x CDR drives. We now sell them as they are cheaper than the 48X IDE's were, they are significantly faster... and... the 48x will be discontinued any day now. That is why version 2.506 was released early. The new InstallShield installation program is far easier to use, and new customers will enjoy that. Is there much for existing customers? Depends on what your needs are. The 52x speed improvement makes it worth the difference if you have a lot of backing up to do. It will pay for itself in the reduced backup time.

The rewritte player code now only consumes 0%-4% of the CPU processing, compared to 100% before. That is a major upgrade for those who are concerned about the computer being used up by Microstudio.

We simply did not have the available programmers to fix the 8-bit full screen mode right now. The Window mode can go full screen by double clicking, or reverse back to a window by double clicking when in full screen mode. We will fix the 8-bit fullscreen mode and it will be a free 2.507 upgrade to all who own 2.506.

As to making Microstudio play while other programs are playing, more users requested in the past that it NOT play when they shift to other programs running in the forefront. They didn't want it playing in background. You can't please all the people all the time.
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Old August 25th, 2003, 04:28 PM
pcgumshoe pcgumshoe is offline
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I don't know where I saw this, or how long ago it was, BUT I remember MTU saying somewhere in their literature that it is recommended NOT to burn over certain speeds for the best results.

It seems that it was between 1x & 4x... Now with these 52x burners out and your supporting them AND your claim that that is why you released the next version of Microstudio, does that mean that the recommended burning speeds have increased? Have you dropped this whole line about copying at slower speeds?

I am not on the band wagon for the new Microstudio, yet. I am waiting for KPro 5. If it is cheaper at that time to buy the next "Suite" if there will be one, then I will be right there waiting for the doors to open.
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Old August 25th, 2003, 04:34 PM
mlepine mlepine is offline
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Wink Micro 2.5

Last thing I want to do is to be a negative person BUT,

I still think you folks at MTU should have wait a little longer to bring out a better version, at least when I upgraded from the 2.3 version I was finally able to read my BMB/Nutech album.

Now, it consumes less CPU but I believe it's with the 8 bit mode?

Admin note: Not so. The entire player code was upgraded. The Hi Res Window Player as well as the 8-bit fullscreen player both now require almost no CPU power.

Well the 8 bit mode is not working properly!! Admin note: True, and it will be fixed.

The ideal of the Window Mode would be excellent only if we could open another program and still keep the sound, once the song starts we just can't adjust the volume anymore or change the Key Pitch on my Creative card...

I know I'm going to sound hard but I really think it's not acceptable, keep in mind that Microstudio is running on Windows not MS-DOS, it's THE only audio program I know that Mutes once we click somewhere on the screen.

We all know that you Folks at MTU make the BEST Karaoke Software but PLEASE, try to understand that a good audio card has a Multiplex capability and that the ideal of Microsoft Windows is to be able to open more than one program at the same time.

It can't be a question of cost, any Freeware Program (Audio) on the market will NOT Mute for nothing.


Admin note: Are you are trying to host a Karaoke Show from Microstudio? I am sensitive to your specific desires, but I would like to understand the reasoning behind your request. Is that the main reason behind your requests?

When we consider the thousands of users we have, we are not getting requests like yours from enough to justify spending the extra time to make this a default settable feature... and making it more difficult for the MAJORITY of our users. Keep in mind, the more flexible a product is, the more difficult it is to use. Also keep in mind, a number of our customers have requested that Microstudio NOT play when they shift to another program. That is what we now offer.

However, I'm not saying we can't be swayed.

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Old August 25th, 2003, 05:22 PM
admin admin is offline
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Talking A Rose is not a Rose is not a Rose...

There are CDR drives, and there are CDR drives. Since we don't require everyone to buy an MTU CDG Certified CDR burner, we have to cover our... bases.

The drives we sell are capable of running at full speed, and writing a good CDG disc when you use MTU Silver CDR Media.

When you use cheap CDR media, most can't write at the higher speeds!

Also, there are some CDG Karaoke Players that can't read some discs written at higher speeds. That is one reason to drop the write speed down... IF you find you must run on a Player that won't read a faster-written disc.

Furthermore, if a disc is very scratched, you might get a better read running at a slower speed. We haven't confirmed this in quite a while, so don't hold me accountable on this point.
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Old August 25th, 2003, 05:35 PM
mlepine mlepine is offline
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Thumbs up Good Media

I used to believe that slower the better, well now, the faster the better.

I burn at 48X with my Plextor and I'm using TDK CDR, they're certified at 48X and I must of copied at least 60 & I got no reject or broken letters, when it did, it came from the original.

Yes, an original will sometime have broken letters when played on the Plextor or a CDG Karaoke Machine like a JVC.

I've tried the back up I did at 48X on a CDG Player (JVC & Pioneer) and I had no problems.

I bought the TDK at Costco in Canada
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Old August 25th, 2003, 09:10 PM
mlepine mlepine is offline
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Post My Reasoning

I'm not using Microstudio to host a show, I'm using it at home for Live Performance and I wish I could also use it to record my self.

You see, the reason I wish it didn't have the Mute effect is that my sound card (like any good card) allows for the duplex capability, play & record at the same time.
The Window Mode allows to read the graphic but will not allow to run a Wave Recorder with out Muting.

Also, when your Video Set up is at 1024 x 768 the Window Mode will not have a clear graphic, I believe most good video card with a 17 inch Monitor will suggest these settings.

If the 2.5 now only consumes 0-4% of the CPU, I think it's now a good reason to let it run with another program?

I do understand that what I'm doing is personnal & it's not necessary to make changes just for me, but when you say it will be more difficult to use, I don't see why? it will be the same program except it will no longer mute.

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Old August 26th, 2003, 04:01 AM
pcgumshoe pcgumshoe is offline
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To the admin...

I, perhaps for different reasons, am in the same boat as mlepine. I wouldn't dream of hosting one disk at a time from my computer. 5 years ago, that might have been an interesting novelty, but with the capabilities of computers NOW and especially with a software package like Hoster, who would be so "behind the times?"

Let's take a walk down the path of a day in the life of this crazy karaoke guy named Ashton (me).

I have six shows a week at a bar I own called, Bar. My shows are the best in Seattle because we have the best sound and we have the best stage, the best props and the best collection (I might be bias). On top of all that, I have the biggest collection of Broadway/showtunes in the USA.

I sing, and I do a decent job of it. Every Sunday, I take my "NEW MUSIC REQUEST FORM" and I make a list of between $250 and $300 and I pick up new music. I leave my house around 2:00PM to drop my partner off at the bar and go pick up the music. I come home with the new music and I type each and every track into Excel. I don't trust ANY of the programs out there that claim to KNOW what songs are on what disks.

On top of that, I get to know what I have and what I don't. When I come across an unusual song or a song that I want to check the quality on, I will pop it in the old Plextor Drive and I will load up Microstudio. Sometimes the Audio ONLY that I would get from the CD play next to my desk isn't enough.

I start the song and I star listening. I often times want to go over to Excel and continue adding songs or make whatever changes I need. The moment I leave Microstudio, DEAD AIR (The death of any karaoke show in my opinion).

mlepine makes a good point, windows was designed for "MULTI-Tasking" Although it isn't really, it is more "Time-splicing" And I will give 10 brownie points to anyone who can tell me who came out with a true Multi-tasking processor and architecture that was superior to ISA

So I got a windows based DOS program.... Okay, I guess I just have to accept that. Here's what I want to know, can you name another program that plays audio that once you leave that window for another window you loose audio? Anyone? Please, I would like to know.

This may sound critical, but it isn't. Your products are superior, you provide, albeit not on my or even your timeline, the products we want You can't please all the people all the time, but if I were to think about it, I would have to say that it probably took MORE programming to MUTE the audio than to keep it going I don't know.

It is frustrating not to be able to have a little window up in the corner so that I can practice that new Falco Song while I am writing this or when I am just off surfing the web for a new song. I guess I could load up my Hoster, but that doesn't help with new song that haven't been entered yet.

I am with you, but I disagree
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Old August 26th, 2003, 09:26 AM
jahern jahern is offline
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You can't please all the people all the time.


Not a matter of "..pleas(ing) all the people all the time" I am offended that you relegate me and others to being some clamoring unreasonable mob. It is just a matter of delivering what the product description is on the site! Or CHANGE the description.

Quote from site:

It now uses less than 5% of the computer power, where before it consumed 100% while playing. Now you can play Karaoke CDG songs and discs even with other programs running!

Don't get me wrong. I love your stuff. My mistake was depending on your written description of this particular product. All the other info: schedules, people with drives needing the upgrade, had to release it before fixing the bug, etc., is fine.

I think I made my point.
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