Originally Posted by constantregret
greetings. i am seriously thinking about purchasing this software, but i am wondering how well it works in comparison to programs i've already tried using to remove/suppress vocals. so far i've tried adobe audition, sony soundforge, and audacity. anyone with first hand experience with these programs and vogone able to make a quality comparison of the end product?
To our knowledge, those three only remove the center panned vocals and ALL music frequencies that also are center panned.
ONLY Vogone allows you to KEEP low and high frequencies; even freqs that overlap the vocals freqs so you can make a trade-off how much vocal to remove versus how much music to keep. On some songs, it makes a VERY BIG difference how the remaining music sounds.
ONLY Vogone retains true stereo sound field.
ONLY Vogone allows removing non-center panned vocals; yes they are rare, but only Vogone can do it.
ONLY Vogone can create multiplexed songs, and demultiplex existing songs, keeping the lyrics in sync.
If you like any of the above, I believe our Vogone Easy ($18.90) is identical to them, but with play location adjustment and output volume adjuster.
As George suggested, try our Vogone demo, and... please read all the instructional popups you will see so you know what the demo hampering is.