If your Microsoft Windows DirectX version is not 7.0a, your computer will randomly crash or lock up while running Microstudio. Do the following to find out what version of DirectX your computer has installed:
[li]Click the
Start Menu /
Run / type in
DXDIAG and press the Enter key
[li]If DXDIAG does run, find the line named
DirectX version: which must show
DirectX 7.0 ( or higher. If not, you need to download this from the Microsoft website.
[li]If DXDIAG.exe is not found (does not run), assume you do not have DirectX 7.0a and download it
[li]If your version is not equal to or higher, click this link to access the Microsoft website to download a free copy of DirectX 7.0A:
[li]If you are unable to download this from the Microsoft site, call Microsoft at 800-370-8758 and order a CDROM with the Directx 8.0 version on it. This is the latest version that will also work.
[Edited by DougD on 12-15-2000 at 10:56 AM]