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Old July 1st, 2009, 07:30 AM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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Hoster Light Freeze Up On Disc Import

Hoster Lite 4.09d will not reconize my optiarc external writer. It will import singer tracks from their disc, but when i click on import cd tracks, it freezes up. Yes all updates have been done, yes it has been tested, and test good, yes it has been sat as default drive, yes windows reconizes the drive, and has also maked it as "Working Properly". When i use my internal laptop drive as my default drive, hoster works perfectly, although the drive does not actually read cdg lyrics. I'm thinking the external drive is ok, because i can import a singers track off of their disc, and it works fine with Microstudio {on a different computer}????

And pooo i just sold my spare external

Last edited by Musicman51; July 1st, 2009 at 07:43 AM.
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Old July 1st, 2009, 11:15 AM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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Is the drive letter (in CD/DVD drives) the same as what is showing in Windows Explorer?
You didn't happen to pick up that bad cable you found with Microstudio and use it did you?
Is this XP or Vista?
Dale Douglass
2nd Generation Karaoke
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Last edited by ddouglass; July 1st, 2009 at 12:02 PM.
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Old July 1st, 2009, 02:27 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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No dale, different drive, new cables, same trouble. Yes the letters are the same, i can go into windows, click on the drive, and it even opens the external's cd tray. So windows is reconizing the drive, and marking it as good. It to is an optiarc, mtu certified drive. My external hard drive is working fine, switched it to a different external, it to is rebuilding, and working fine. As i stated i can import cd tracks from a singers disc using this drive. When i click on import CD Tracks, it just sits, no window opens. I switch to my internal worthless cd drive,the window opens, and it will import tracks. Grrrrrrr
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Old July 1st, 2009, 02:32 PM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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I had several Beta testers check this and no one could duplicate it on Vista or XP. We all are using the full version but that should not be any different as the only difference with the Lite is no Songbook capability.

You didn't answer and I don't remember, are you using Vista or XP in this computer??
Dale Douglass
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Old July 1st, 2009, 03:33 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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I am using Vista Home Premium.... I can use this external cd burner to import singers disc tracks..not a problemo. But the minute i click on "Import CD Tracks" she's all done, i just sit there and wait and wait and wait, and the import window will not open. If i click on any other part of hoster, the search button, the tools button, anything else..the screen goes to white, and a windows box pops up asking me if i would like to wait for the program to respond, or to close the program out. I choose "Close Program".

Would it help if i took all versions of Hoster Lite off my puter, then download it again?
I have been asked to take a friends place tonight and do his karaoke show this evening. I can see right now, i will be back using disc, and those young folks are going to work me to death...
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Old July 1st, 2009, 03:41 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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Perhaps i could go and remove everything, then start fresh with Hoster Lite 4.0, then upgrade to 4.09d. Grrrrrrrrrrr
And Hoster Lite has been working just so great... gotta be me, and these updates or upgrades hotdamn margo.

Strange thing is, i went this spring and downloaded 12,000 CDG tracks, and over 400 video karaoke song tracks with this same external mtu drive, on this same show laptop

Last edited by Musicman51; July 1st, 2009 at 03:48 PM.
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Old July 1st, 2009, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Musicman51 View Post
I am using Vista Home Premium.... I can use this external cd burner to import singers disc tracks..not a problemo. But the minute i click on "Import CD Tracks" she's all done, i just sit there and wait and wait and wait, and the import window will not open. If i click on any other part of hoster, the search button, the tools button, anything else..the screen goes to white, and a windows box pops up asking me if i would like to wait for the program to respond, or to close the program out. I choose "Close Program".

Would it help if i took all versions of Hoster Lite off my puter, then download it again?
I have been asked to take a friends place tonight and do his karaoke show this evening. I can see right now, i will be back using disc, and those young folks are going to work me to death...
You use the "import cd track" feature during a show? I have only added singers songs from their cdg's, that erase after use, due to legalities of not owning original CDG / MP3-g, and putting them permanently on the computer hardrive.

Seems by your posts, that you could run your show tonight with Hoster Lite, as long as you don't use the "import cd track" feature... or am I missing something? ( No Hay Problema! )

Rikki Tikki Karaoke
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Old July 1st, 2009, 04:05 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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No Rikki i sure don't. But if any part of a program is not fuctioning correctly, i would be taking a big risk in using that program. What if it stops altogether? What if it stops importing singers disc? I can't take that chance. If i haul along all my cd's and JVC triple drawer player, i might just as well use it and leave hoster home untill i get it running correctly.

One should NEVER import any disc during a show..just not good practice, and doesn't look good, besides being illegal perhaps unless they are yours, just not good. I had a kj do this one evening. A bunch of us went out for the evening, and visited a new KJ's show. About 40, 45 miles from home. This clown started importing CDG's. I immediately jumped up from the table, spilling my diet coke and all, tapped him firmly on the shoulder, and told him i sure hope that wasn't MY disc he was importing. As it turned out, it wasn't. But just doesn't look good.
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Old July 1st, 2009, 04:14 PM
mindonstrike mindonstrike is offline
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Originally Posted by Musicman51 View Post
I am using Vista Home Premium.... I can use this external cd burner to import singers disc tracks..not a problemo. But the minute i click on "Import CD Tracks" she's all done, i just sit there and wait and wait and wait, and the import window will not open. If i click on any other part of hoster, the search button, the tools button, anything else..the screen goes to white, and a windows box pops up asking me if i would like to wait for the program to respond, or to close the program out. I choose "Close Program".

Would it help if i took all versions of Hoster Lite off my puter, then download it again?
I have been asked to take a friends place tonight and do his karaoke show this evening. I can see right now, i will be back using disc, and those young folks are going to work me to death...
The import cd track screen typicaly isn't used during a show. This issue shouldn't have any bearings on your show.
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Old July 1st, 2009, 04:27 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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Thats true sam, but i would feel much more at ease if the program was working correctly. Many people bring their own disc to this show, right now i can import their tracks, what if it quits importing singers tracks like it has CDG tracks. You might take that chance but i won't.

I think the thing to do at this point is to try and help me solve this dilema instead of trying to figure out if i can do a show with a piece of software, and hardware that is not working properly...But thanks for your input i appreciate it, more then i can express. Your helpful suggestions are always needed, and appreciated.
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Old July 1st, 2009, 04:35 PM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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Originally Posted by Musicman51 View Post
Perhaps i could go and remove everything, then start fresh with Hoster Lite 4.0, then upgrade to 4.09d. Grrrrrrrrrrr
And Hoster Lite has been working just so great... gotta be me, and these updates or upgrades hotdamn margo.

Strange thing is, i went this spring and downloaded 12,000 CDG tracks, and over 400 video karaoke song tracks with this same external mtu drive, on this same show laptop
I wouldn't remove anything and go ahead and do tonight's show. The worst that could happen is to not be able to import a singer's file, but since that is working you should be ok.
If you want to do this tomorrow after the show I would just re-install 4.09D (you do not have to do the upgrades from 4.0 up because all are full programs not patches). When you re-install check the box on the personal information page (bottom) to clear the registry entries. This will remove any lingering problems there. Unfortunately it will clear the Instabutton Settings, screen locations, marquee entries, and other items , so essentially you will have to reset all of those items.
Dale Douglass
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Old July 1st, 2009, 04:46 PM
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Backup... Backup... Backup.

You fall back on your cdg's when Hoster malfunctions... ok... I did that for 2 shows when I had to replace a faulty Hardrive in my one and only computer at that time... what a hassle, since I had not been keeping my system up with all the newly added music, books, etc. ( I will never go back to discs-only keep them for the legalities issue...) Anyway, now I have a 2nd laptop ready as a backup, in case some gremlin rears its ugly head, and sabotages the show...

Run a mock show for an hour or so... trying everything that someone might throw at you tonight... if it crashes without using the dreaded "import cd track" feature... use your discs... if it doesn't crash during the mock show... set up with Hoster and have your JVC player and discs set up to use as a backup ( peace of mind ) just in case...

IMHO it's time to turn to Hoster 4.09d for the features that Lite doesn't offer ( unless you wish to purchase or already have the Lite Duo and have the 2nd computer backup option. ) Archive those CDG's and sell the JVC Player. ( I still have a JVC 6disc Magazine player & a Hitachi 6disc magazine player - for minimal disc handling, that never get used anymore, and are obsolete when it comes to repairing/parts- I should follow my own suggestion, and get rid of them...)

Good luck tonight and ... hope Dale can troubleshoot your Vista/Computer problem!

Rikki Tikki Karaoke
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Old July 1st, 2009, 04:47 PM
mindonstrike mindonstrike is offline
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Possibly a problem with the bucket.mdb causing that screen to crash.
The edit songs screen uses the bucket as well (if auto name and title is enabled). Try opening that screen and see if it gives you problems.

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Old July 1st, 2009, 04:50 PM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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Originally Posted by Musicman51 View Post
I think the thing to do at this point is to try and help me solve this dilema instead of trying to figure out if i can do a show with a piece of software, and hardware that is not working properly...But thanks for your input i appreciate it, more then i can express. Your helpful suggestions are always needed, and appreciated.
The problem with solving your problem is no one can duplicate it. The only other one have this exact problem is a new user who is using XP on a Macbook. I don't think his source of the problem is the same.
It is your call whether you use 4.09D or go back to say 4.08 to do the show tonight for lack of trust. The only thing that could be making the symptoms change would have to be the drive going out. I don't think the program would be changing.
Dale Douglass
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Old July 1st, 2009, 05:15 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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dale, that is kinda what it is starting to look like, and if i did the show tonight with this same drive, and it completly gives up the ghost, i'm in a world of hurting.

So what i think i will do, is use the disc and old JVC tonight, and call mtu in the morning, and have them overnight me a new external burner. This spring i ran 12,000 CDG tracks, and over 400 Video karaoke tracks through this burner, besides all of the cdg's i've written, and backed up, and played through this external. It doesn't owe me a dime. So perhaps it's tired. I can always use a new burner anyway. But i think i will go back to 4.0 then update to 4.09d as well.
Thanks for everyones help, and ideas. I will get this worked out one way or the other. Sounds like the burner to me possibly as well. And here i just sold my other one, because i never used it. Oh well....isn't life just full of surprises? My wife, God rest her soul, the precious angel, use to tell me, if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen to george. She's right.
God Bless, George
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Old July 2nd, 2009, 03:02 AM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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Do i go online to remove all Hoster downloads on my computer? I'd like to go back and download what i started with fresh, then upgrade possibly to 4.09d.
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Old July 2nd, 2009, 03:32 AM
madjim- with the Lord madjim- with the Lord is offline
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You should always be online whenever you uninstall a version of Hoster 4.XX.

Don't Hate, Participate. GOD Bless!

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Old July 2nd, 2009, 09:53 AM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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Originally Posted by Musicman51 View Post
Do i go online to remove all Hoster downloads on my computer? I'd like to go back and download what i started with fresh, then upgrade possibly to 4.09d.
Let me try to explain again. You only have one version of Hoster on your computer which is currently 4.09D. Even when you upgrade the previous version is removed and the new version is installed. Each upgrade release is a full copy of Hoster and replaces what was there before. They do not pile up with the new on top of the old. You cannot go back and download any version prior to 4.09D as MTU does not keep previous versions available for download.
That was why I said all you needed to do was re-install 4.09D and check the box to clear the registry entries as you install. This will set everything back to default.
And yes you need to be online so that it will register to MTU that Hoster has been re-installed.
Dale Douglass
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Old July 2nd, 2009, 01:13 PM
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I am not sure what is going on with your system. I have tried to make this happen here, but I do not have anything but Windows 7 and XP right now. I could not make it happen.

If the drive is working for the Singers Disc part, then it should not have any problems with the Import CD Tracks part. I tried to give you a call and left you a message.

I can try to come into your computer from here at MTU and see if I can take a look around to fix it.
Bryan, MTU
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Old July 2nd, 2009, 04:11 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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Hello Bryan,
Let me first say thank you for taking the time to give my unique situation your attention. Incidently, i talked to Mrs Cox i believe it was, there at mtu about ordering a new external writter, just in case mine turns out to be bad. She was so friendly, and helpful, and was very understanding of my situation. You have some wonderful folks working at mtu, and support is first class. I didn't get your call, or message. I have an up to date phone number in my account, just go in there and get it, if you need me to call you, i can do this also. Again, thank you for your attention to this matter.

First off, i do not go online with my show laptop, only time i do, is a direct link to a Hoster Lite upgrade. I also at the same time do my windows operating system upgrades. I do not upgrade any hardware, software, firmware, utilities using Windows upgrade. That includes the Optiarc Burner i use for Hoster.

Now, i will try to isolate where i'm at on this matter.
I went and removed the downloaded file mtu Hoster Lite 4.09d. I went to the mtu website, and downloaded it again. Saved it to "My Music".
I Ran the 4.09d file again, and clicked the box where it goes back to default, as dale suggested. It downloaded correctly, and i rebuilt my song data base. I played a few selections from my external hard drive, hoster is playing correctly, smoothly, as always. No problems there.

I closed Hoster and went to "My Computer". There i found my external "Optiarc Drive", as well as the "Internal" CD/DVD drive that is installed on my laptop computer.
The Drive letter for the Optiarc is "F". I opened properties on that drive. I clicked on "Optiarc" and it said the drive is operating good. I clicked it again, and the drawer on the optiarc opened. The computer is seeing the external Optiarc. Great.

Went and opened Hoster Lite again, waited for the splash screen, it opened normally.
Went to Tools, "CD/DVD" clicked on it. It showed my internal drive:
D: Matshita DVD-RAM UJ-8505 1.40 Tested As Good. {Although it will not read or write karaoke graphics}
Also showed my Optiarc Writer.
F: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7170A 1.02
I tested it, "Good" I made this drive my "Default" reading drive, clicked saved, and exited.

I went to "Disc" I put a CDG in the Optiarc writer, filled out a song number, wrote in a song title, and it imported properly. I repeated this process with 5 different CD+G disc of different manufactures. ALL singers disc imported, and played, and deleted properly. Great

I then went and clicked on import, a drop down menu came with two choices, 1, files, 2, CD Tracks. I clicked CD Tracks, and Hoster Lite sat there, The import window did not open. I waited 4 minutes. The hour glass time out was showing. I clicked on files, far left to exit Hoster Lite, a notice appeared beside Hoster that read "def001.hst (Not Responding). I then went to the far right, to "X" out of hoster. The screen went white, and i got a windows pop up that said I could close Program, or wait for it to respond. I choose "Close This Program" and exited Hoster Lite.

I reopened Hoster Lite. Went to Tools "CD/DVD" Marked Optiarc External writer as bad. Retested my "Internal" writer:
D: Matshita DVD-Ram UJ-850S 1.40 It tested "Good" {However as i stated before, it will not read or write karaoke graphics}
I now made this internal writer my "Default" Read Drive. Clicked "Save" and closed that menu.

I now went back to the import tab, clicked it. It asked if i wanted to import 1, Files, or 2, CD Tracks. I clicked CD Tracks. The import window opened!! Great, Hoster Lite likes this drive, but again, this drive "Internal" will not read or write karaoke graphics.

I then place a new, clean, Sound Choice CD+G disc into my internal drive. Hoster reacted normally for a download. I went through the motions of actually downloading this CD+G. It downloaded normally, although no graphics or music appreared. So..that means a external "Optiarc" bad drive??? This laptop is less 8 months old. And it will reconize and open properly with the internal drive? Incidently, i used the internal drive and imported over 400 Video CDG's this spring.

1.86GHz Intel Pentium Dual-Core processor T2390 200GB hard-drive (5400rpm) 2GB PC5300 DDR2 667MHz SDRAM Mobile Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 15.4" 1280x800 display with 720p support and TrueBrite technology Atheros Wireless LAN (802.11b/g) DVD SuperMulti drive Built-in webcam 4 USB 2.0 ports iLink PC Express slot 5-in-1 Bridge Media Adapter Windows Vista Home Premium

I keep all kma files on external "Western Digital" Hard Drives, nothing on my laptop. Tested all 3 of my drives, and rebuilt all 3, all 3 are operating normally.

I keep my Microstudio, KH Pro, Vogone, Keyrite, on my studio computer, NOT my show computer. And this external Optiarc drive works like a champ on those programs, on that computer. Which is a HP Windows XP.
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