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Old August 18th, 2007, 06:35 AM
mindonstrike mindonstrike is offline
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Originally Posted by madjim View Post
I believe that is is the sellers resposability to assure that the tracks they sell are legal. If we buy a track legaly with no intention of breaking any law, we have committed no crime. The seller would be gulty of selling tracks uder false pretenses. If I pay $.99 for a track and I have a recipt, I feel that I have bought the rights to use that track.

Have you had any contact with TricearaSoft?

At the risk of getting stung playing armchair lawyer again - I'll bite.

If that were true I could buy a HD with a 100,000 songs from KoolKaraoke on ebay for $500. and have a reciept from him or paypal or whatever and then claim to be 100% legal. Now if all your other stuff were legal you could maybe use this as a defense in court to avoid/reduce the fines or punishment, but I don't think they would give you back your HD just because you bought it in good faith. The more reputable the company you bought it from might give you a better shot at plausable deniability, but in the end I think you'd be ordered to cease and disist using those songs.

Just my opinion

PS: I just made up the Koolkaraoke ebay name for illustrative purposes. If there is an ebay user by that name (and there probably is), this would be purely coincidental and I'm sure he/she is a fine person.
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