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Old February 8th, 2009, 08:09 PM
monikascott monikascott is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Posts: 27
Ok, we just tried something. My husband runs XP and we ran the CD on his computer. It went all the way up to where I have to enter my name and company and stuff. On my Vista computer it quits before it gets there. So it is definitely not a Disk issue it's a compatibility issue with Vista I would think. Weird thing is that it used to install just fine, so I would assume it is an update from Microsoft that causes the problem. So I also assume that the new version would work to install on my computer.. problem is me being worried about the display in the demo... and if I could get it to work on my computer. I'm sure glad I'm not a programmer, cause I sure wouldn't have to work with Microsoft trying to get my software to work in their new version and irate costumers (like me) bitching about The question remains then if they would sell me the full new version for the upgrade price.
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