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Old August 9th, 2008, 12:33 AM
swany swany is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Howard City, Michigan
Posts: 319
So far I'm creeping up to earning a profit with my business. I have exploded in the last two years and added two more shows and that takes a lot of the profit, but I'm looking at future earnings.

My bars and regular gigs fill out a 1099 for federal and state purposes. I keep records and claim all earnings and usually wind up settling for at least one third back of what I paid in. That's just with my business deductions, taxes and all the little things that filing a very long form gets you. I'm wondering about this year, my wife retired and I've been for two years.

Yeah but I settle up once a year. Politics the way they are I wondering how I'll fare next year.
Take care and have fun. Swany
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