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Old April 25th, 2006, 09:53 AM
swany swany is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Howard City, Michigan
Posts: 319

Must qualify in all three venues to get in
the finals. Your total plus, your score on finals
determines winner.

Three Judges will be the same the entire contest and hired by the bar
Their pay is dinner and drinks.

Name ___________________________

Oldies ____________________________

Rock _____________________________

Country __________________________


Voice 1- 10 ________

Appearence 1- 10 ________

Don't Use Monitor 2 ____

Interact with crowd 1 - 5 __

TOTAL __________

This is the format of a contest we recently ran, on finals night the obvious winner forgot his lyrics and walked off. He came in third because of his total pts during qualification. The guy that came in second was running around 5th in pts, he aced is final song (You have to sing two in the finals) a nice slow number and danced with his wife during it. The young man that came in first, was running in second place, he aced both of his songs in the finals and out pointed everyone. He was not the best voice, but a very good singer to be in the finals anyway, had the crowd and the judges after the #1 guy in points goofed on his final song. For the record I was against doing this contest and my wife was the one who got it going, I am very proud of her and this contest because the outcome was fair and no major gripes.
Take care and have fun. Swany
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