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Old August 18th, 2015, 09:51 PM
Chad Slater Chad Slater is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Kansas city
Posts: 131
Re: Hoster 5.40.01 IS Released! 8-12-2015 - Full Singers Rotation!

I noticed a possible issue when having the auto rotation on and run your shows as a rotation clicked. When you have a large list of singers on auto rotation and click the abort button because say a singer walks off, the rotation goes all the way to the top and doesn't move down to the next singer in the line. Would this not be better (at least for the abort button when in auto rotation) to mark the song as played and move down to the next singer in line and not all the way back to singer 1?

Just a thought, I could be wrong in the need for this. Btw, the update ROCKS!
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