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Old June 20th, 2002, 01:15 PM
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Raleigh, NC
Posts: 5,253
Big Brother,
Just so you know, if the client has purchased since January 15th, 2002 then they can just click on their link and it will automatically allow them up to 8 Clicks to get upgrades for that product. If they have used them all up in one download or didn't save this email, then they will have to purchase the Upgrade for the new link.

Do you not think this is a reasonable way to allow for upgrades? This allows security for us, because each client has a link assigned to them. Are there any other companies that keep giving free upgrades forever anymore? I have run across a few, but the updates are very scarce and far in between. We do have to make the money back to pay the programmers for the work done on the updates.

If we were a huge company and didn't have to worry about money, we might beable to afford giving them away. We are a small company, and we know our clients and most of our clients are happy with the products that we have and deliver to them.

I am sure that some of the clients may happen to tell you this in other posts at some time or another.

Can I ask what made you disgruntled with our company? So that we can try to understand why you have this attitude towards us? Do you currently own any of our products? Were you happy with them?
Bryan, MTU