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Old February 4th, 2009, 01:49 AM
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Originally Posted by ddouglass View Post
Bryant just out of curiosity just what do you teach?
By the way retired life is great! I am in an area like yours where it is a down economy all the time. Too many people are out of work with little to no industry in this area at all. So nothing really new here except higher prices for food. Those who do work have to drive to Houston or Beaumont to work. They all need some entertainment and drinks on the weekend and we only have 2 1/2 bars in the area (the half is an Amvets club with limited membership). We play at one place (VFW) on Friday and Saturday and I won't set foot or equipment in the other. Too many fights, drugs etc in that one.
Since we only play the two nights to supplement our retirement income and not looking for more I really am not feeling anything or the recession except for slightly higher prices and that really is nothing new.
I teach Biology, Dale. I was a mechanical engineer in an electric power company before that; got layed off. 1994.

Sort of getting tired of explaining to parents why their kids who have never even opened a book are failing their classes. Administrators make up all these new ways to teach, and cliches like "kids don't have the right to fail", and la-di-da. I spend more time in workshops and seminars then the kids do in class, and I work for a very strict private school. AS everyone knows, nothing much will change if only one side of a relationship(student/teacher in this case) is willing to make changes. High schools in our country are more like a social event, aren't they. I wonder how it would be if education was extra-curricular and we had to ask the coaches if a kid could be excused from a game to attend class. I'd rather not complain about anything, so leaving the situation puts me out of the loop where complaining won't even be necessary.

I think there are plenty of jobs around here for 5 to 7 dollars an hour, but most ppl think they are too qualified for those jobs and apply for those they are not at all qualified for. The others make excuses and just choose not to work.

I'll be in the same boat you're in soon. Just adding on to security income.

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