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Old February 6th, 2004, 11:17 AM
admin admin is offline
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
Posts: 10,515
From the factory

Hi folks. I wish I had a magic wand and could quickly port Microeditor off the Krystal card to make it marketable again.

Jim, I hear you. I'll see what Larry thins about changing Microeditor to import or export "something standard".

I will say that the Echo new pcimcia cards are going to get our attention shortly to see if we can make Microstudio work on them. They use the same DSP it appears. If their architecture is right, it may be possible. We get many calls for "help" from long standing users who haven't found a real replacement yet. Makes me wonder what could be...

I have two stable programmers on contract now, and we may be able to fire Microstudio up again. Problem is, I've lost too much money on 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 already. Not much incentive to make any change and not get paid for it. I'll watch and see what others want us to do. Why don't you start a Thread where Medit users can post what they would like us to add today, and if they are willing to pay for it. Please... warn them not to go wild. We will probably NOT add in dithering/noise shaping today unless we can get $10,000-$15,000 income for it from the "group" who want it. Small requests such as file translation is economically feasible, especially if there are standards in print that you can direct us to. The more time we have to spend searching for specs/standards, the more it will go down the list to be considered.

No promises, but you have my ear.
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