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Old July 9th, 2003, 10:23 AM
TKaraoke TKaraoke is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 77
Mick, lots of good points. The Chicago area is like a bowl of pirahnas. You'll get your throat cut by numerous people. I left a job after over three years, because of a drunken bar customer abusing people. They went and got someone cheaper, guess what? I'm back with the "anything you want" invitation. You only get what you "ask for" or what "you'll take", whether it's money or abuse. Saying no isn't always bad, people will spend a bunch on a party, & bars will raise drink prices when we're there, but we're suppose to work for "Charlie Brown" (PEANUTS!). I won't and hope no one else will, and we'll all make what we deserve. We don't need to rip someone, just don't try to rip us.