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Old February 9th, 2010, 05:27 AM
Lonman Lonman is offline
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Location: Tacoma, WA
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Originally Posted by RIKKI TIKKI View Post
I was trying to remember what the disc cost was for those early cdg's, but can only vaguely remember what I paid for the early DK's, BMB's, then Music Maestro, Priddus, Sound Choice, Sunfly, American Gold, Dangerous, Hellavadisc, Star Disc, Chartbuster, Etc., Etc., Etc. ( Not to mention the 5 or 6 Manus that I get my Spanish cdg's from.)

I estimated it at $2/song, quite a few years back, and with my meager 13,000 song library ( with about 3500 duplicates ) that would set me back at least $20,000 over the last 17 years, which doesn't seem that bad, until you try to justify starting up in the business today, and wanting to have a huge library to start, and that illegal hardrive with 20,000 songs on it over there on E-Bay for $300.00, and I can see where the nubies would go, before weighing the legalities, or knowing what legal remedies that Sound Choice is now persuing, in order to recap some of their lost revenue.

I can sleep at night knowing that I'm legal, but will jump on anyone's band wagon, that will make it harder for the Pirate's to make a living, by undercutting the legit KJ's. I'll start by showing the club owners/mgmt, what Sound Choice is doing, as it goes after the venue also, if they are knowingly hiring a KJ with an illegal set of discs, or hardrive, and then as a last resort, I would turn in the illegal KJ to the Sound Choice Legal team, and still be able to sleep easily about it. I'll let my hosting skills compete for business against another legit KJ, but I'll also play nasty when it comes to some pirate trying to take the money out of my wallet...
When I started buying music, cdg's weren't prevelant up here yet, still laserdiscs - those ran 120-150 PER disc for 28 songs.
DK, SC, MM were the first ones in this are and those discs ran approx $45-50 per disc for 15-18 songs - depending on brand. Even the 'cheaper' brands of today ran around $30 each disc. This was back in 93-95.

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