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Old September 27th, 2007, 11:38 PM
swany swany is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Howard City, Michigan
Posts: 319
I use paper but use title and artist no numbers, then I usually use the best version I have available when I look it up. My books have no numbers or manufacturer. With a large number of repeats on my PC, I can offer most that know the difference a choice of brands. I still like hosting karaoke because of the folks bringing me written requests and buliding a show with that. The paper don't cost if you recycle paper for slips, I would often take paper already written on one side and process the other for KJ slips so it cost me ink, I still do this today I generate and recieve enough paper to do it. Most of my regulars just come up and make their requests without paper. I'm happy either way.
Take care and have fun. Swany