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Old March 5th, 2001, 08:44 AM
admin admin is offline
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
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Driftaway: You downloaded the right file. To make it easy to download and install our software products, we use a product called Package 4 The Web. Its executable files add about 100KB to the downloaded file size. The benefit is all you have to do is double click it and follow the directions. Before, we zipped our download products, but too many clients did not have the unzip product, plus it was far more complex to use. Why are you upset about the size of our product download?

Success ratio: There is no way to tell what songs are center-panned until you try it. Some gendre songs are more center-panned than others. It is determined by the engineer who does the master mix of the song. Many people have bought the Thompson Vocal Eliminator for $1,600 (now $1,200) and it will not do any better than Vogone I. You should not feel like you have been ripped off. We had one client in the UK process over 100 songs and not one of them was center-panned. If your ratio of 1:6 remains on other songs you want to use, you should be very happy.

Reverb: every commercial song has reverb applied to the vocals. You misunderstood our posts about reverb. We are warning that the echo on reverb is not center-panned, thus do not expect to remove the echo. However, the reverb echo is usually -20dB to -40dB down in amplitude, and as cybersal points out, you can easily sing or record over that. If you want perfection, go to a recording studio and have them generate the music from scratch for you. Cost will be between $200 and $2,000 CAN. Vocal elimination is a very inexpensive option when it works.

What you desire, is what we desire our Vogone II development MAYBE CAN deliver. No other company in the world has delivered this before. I make NO PROMISES AT ALL as to what Vogone II will deliver or whether I will even offer it as a product when we are done developing and testing it. We may run into unexpected problems and have to terminate the development. It will be much more complicated to operate than Vogone I. Total vocal removal will be an art that requires much experimentation and tweaking to get the desired results. We hope to add every possible tool/function that we can to give our users the maximum chance of success at removing a vocal, echo, unique instruments, etc. To what degree you succeed will depend on your patience and abilities to figure out and use the tool. You should not be one of the first purchasers of Vogone II. We will not have time to evolve a total manual explaining how to tweak this, and try that, etc. I expect there will be many posts in this Forum where happy users have "discoverd" that if you do such-and-such on this song it has astounding results.

Knowing the basics of mix engineering, I currently believe there is not a song out there that Vogone II cannot remove the vocal and reverb echo from. However, until we do it, we don't know. We have been making a sizable investment in this product and will be very unhappy if we don't get the success we expect.

If you are with MTU and Vogone I, you need to lower your expectations of the vocal removal process, or buy your music without vocals from others who have done the work for you. That is what the commercial Karaoke producers do for you.

Cybersal: Read my added answers in bold to your post of 3-1-2001 above. Thanks for your comments!

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