Thread: Compatibility
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Old May 21st, 2007, 01:41 AM
mindonstrike mindonstrike is offline
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Originally Posted by T and J Karaoke View Post
I need to know some things.
Question 1
Does anyone do regular videos in their shows. If you do, do you use hoster to do it. I heard it takes up alot of memory. I need to know how much memory I need for when I buy the hoster program.
I use Hoster for video clips and an occasional music video as well as VCD karaoke and have not had any performance issues. As to how much memory, in my opinion, the answer would be as much as you can. I think the minimum MTU recomended specs are 512MB memory & 1Ghz processor speed, but I'm running 1Gb memory and 1.8 Ghz processor and in my opinion I am pushing the limits for a smooth operation (although it works quite well). Just a "feeling" I get. Can't really back it up with hard data.

Question 2
Does it matter that you home computer is xp home and your mobile pc is vista. I find it hard to believe that it will be easy to convert music over to the laptop with vista. I have heard horror stories. Please answer if you can.
Not sure what you mean by "convert music over" but my KMA's work just as well on my Vista laptop as on my XPpro machines. Vista will sometimes hide your some of your KMA's (but not all??) and other audio in "virtual " folders that can be a pain to navigate to when needed but Hoster has no problems finding them.

All in all (again personal opinion) If you can change to XP I would although I would go with XPpro not Home.

If you can't get your dealer to replace Vista I am still seeing OEM XPpro for sale at about $130.

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