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Old April 8th, 2002, 07:58 PM
Ed Cabrera Ed Cabrera is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 3
I use to get MIDI. The're literally millions of MIDI files on the net so one needs to be picky about which ones to use. With the right software you can actually improve the sound of some of the files. After I have the MIDI file picked I make a .wav file and use it in the KHP program.

It works


Admin note: It requires a "Synthesizer" to take the MIDI file and turn it into a .wav audio file. There are programs to do this, and hardware synths also. The CRITICAL thing is the quality of the instrument wave tables used in the synthesis process. A MIDI file instructs what instruments to play... what notes they are to play... and when and how long to play them (there are other controls like volume). The instrument tables CONTROL the quality of the synthesized sounds.
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