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Old October 11th, 2002, 10:21 PM
mturacebannon mturacebannon is offline
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Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 33

To all interested parties (of which there appear to be alot)...

I regularly take my discs to the shows here in Oregon. I've taken both original CDGs (e.g. bought from or some other outlet), copies of the originals (with a printed label - most not even close to how the original CDG's label appears), and CDG's I've created by via VoGone, KHPro, & MicroStudio.

Only once, have I had a KJ question where I got the disc from. He said that another person at the lounge had gotten into trouble w/ ASCAP.

I spoke w/ several other KJ's I know on a more personal basis. One KJ who is a former professional singer/band member (from back in the 60's) encountered a person from ASCAP wanting to see what songs he had for his show. He asked the guy to tell him what labels and/or artists he represented and that he (KJ) would remove them from his songbook. The 'ASCAP' guy refused to give him a list. The KJ sent the 'ASCAP' guy packing - in effect telling him how can I run a 'clean show' by not playing copyrighted material when you won't tell me what I can't play?

Anyway, my question is there is an issue of whether the songs on the CDGs are copyrighted. I was told to just slap any-old "copyright" on the label. Since I do not make copies of pre-recorded CDGs to sell or to use for multiple setups (I'm not a KJ) or make multiple copies of the material I've created using MTU products, should I put a copyright on these labels?

Opinions, please.

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