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Old March 25th, 2008, 04:45 PM
Bi-Polar Bear Bi-Polar Bear is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 53
I keep carrying my 4" binder humoungous books even though they have a bunch of dupes and are a pain in the neck.

Reason? People decide on how good you are largely by how you look.

If I have 55,00 songs in a shiny huge binder.... people will say I have the biggest coolest list in town and will consider me a better operator than the guy who carried a 40% smaller book but with the same amount of songs.

I also carry twice the sound in that I need. I bring in big double 15 and horn cabinets sitting on 18 subwoofers.... half the time I don't even hook the subs up but people are always talking about the incredible bass

When i was a touring musician, if i went to a club with no new songs from last time I played, I bought a new outfit and they thought I had a new show. Same principal.

I ain't right, but it is what it is.