Thread: Dipping my toe
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Old November 1st, 2005, 12:25 PM
BooBoo BooBoo is offline
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Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 89
Dipping my toe

Hi All,
I've been a KJ hobbyist for a few years now. Never at a bar, never paid. Held a show at my sister's last weekend and had a new record of 15 singers.
Anyway, I am now thinking of finding a bar to move to since 15 steady singers for a night is a little too much for a private show. I am interested in how I should present myself to a bar owner. I am also interested in what interests you have when writing an agreement with an owner. The shows I've attended usually run from 10-2. what hours do you run? What are some of the things an owner would be attacted to?
My book is around 2100 songs but it covers really well and I am constantly adding. I have the best system on the planet (hence the number of singers at the private shows have jumped considerably since I upgraded). I don't have bar KJ experience, but the people I've KJed for really like how I handle them.
On that note, I also would like to come up with some steady rules. I sometimes go with the flow in the private shows, but I wouldn't be able to get away with that when paid. What are the rules you have for singer sequence? I have a preference for adding new singers in just before the current singer next time around (in other words, at the current bottom) as I have a friend that K-hops to get in the front of a rotation at as many places as he can.
Lot's of questions, I know..
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