Thread: Testimonial
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Old July 12th, 2006, 12:38 AM
rickyrey rickyrey is offline
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Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Posts: 257
Talking Testimonial


I want to apologize for my English if you find any errors but it is not my first language so I'll try to tell you my history. I had been a loyal customer to MTU for about four years now. It had been like a relationship to me with its ups and downs. Nowadays, I run Hoster on all my gigs, what a pleasure to tell you that it works like a brand new car on every show. It is such a different way to serve my customers. It takes your show to a new level. Not to deal with discs, with catalog to make, with cdg player or cd trays, it simplifies your equipment.

Since my upgrade to Video Hoster my laptop has stopped crashing and I love my side job more than ever. MTU staff, you deserve my respect and my admiration for a wonderful job and I look forward to every product and release that you offer. There is no one like you.


Ricardo Olmo
Reinaldo Laboy
Karaoke 2GO
San Juan PR