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Old February 27th, 2010, 01:17 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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Posts: 575
Re: The Lawsuits Have Started In Virgina

Here's something i found on another forum on this subject. I wish i could take credit for it but i can't. But i found it very truthful and a very good point. This author was refering to several disc that sound choice manufactured, without first securing the legal rights to do so. One in particular was the eagles disc, that not being the only one however.

IMHO, I think SC has perpetuated the world's biggest snow job on most KJ's.
Everyone seems to want to waive the flag as though SC is the most honest,
upstanding, sterling company that ever existed and that they are somehow only an
innocent "victim" in the piracy problem. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are
not. They are not doing anything now that champions the legal KJ and is out to
slay the pirates... exactly the opposite; they will leave the legal KJ's alone
and simply sell discs to the pirates. They're not out to put pirates out of
business, they are out to sell them $6,500 worth of discs.... period.