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Old February 27th, 2010, 01:10 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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Re: The Lawsuits Have Started In Virgina

The little guys relief is rather simple. You take the verdict, file bankrupt, and be done with it..yes you can do this under a civil suit. Plead you are insolvent, and indigent. And you're rid of it. However, that won't help you next time, unless they bust you 8 years

But this point is actually moot anyway. As sound choice and their "Paid By Case Win" lawyers will not be taking any cases to court. It's to their advantage, and only profitable to them, if you do something stupid like sign something, and settle out of court.

Kurt has said on another forum, i have a copy of the post. That their purpose is not to fight piracy, but to simply recoup their loses because of piracy. Big difference. It's a money thing, not a moral thing to them. He said in so many words he's too busy to fight piracy, it's not his job.

You will be able to count on one hand the cases that actually go to court. Visit the court website, and read the rather sloppy court filings that sound choice {attorney} filed, the author of this thread has posted them. It reads like one long SC infomercial. If this whole situation wasn't so would be hilarious.