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Old March 9th, 2003, 03:48 AM
OldCDG OldCDG is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 21
Talking Yamaha CRW-F1

Well I just never thought to try to burn with the Yamaha.
It works flawless !!! at 40x with 90min silver disk.
just for grins tried to play it back on crw-f1
well same flaws in graphics, and in the same places
in the video. this is a new recording on a new disk!!!!
I will tell you who I am
I have a BS in electronics technology with a minor in programming
from LSSU. We designed LSIs in class and then programmed them
using HP master controller computers. I believe I now know
what is going on inside the Yamaha.
most likely in the engineering of the LSI chip
a flaw developed while
in either the drawing stage or printing stage.
looks like to me some reading transistors missed
there resistors and or grounding wiring.
this is why it will burn fine but gets reproducible errors
on play back. the transistors go high (or low) on the
same charge from the graphics bit stream.
OH by the way found one more flaw in 2.4
to select the size of disk goes only to 80mins so my 90min disk
is not burnable to the full 90mins.
the price to redo the LSI is around $100,000+
if it needs more circuits $250,000 more likely.
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