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Old April 2nd, 2002, 06:22 PM
George George is offline
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Considering that it's already been around for 70 years or so I'd say it's enduring. What do I mean 70 years ? Well, the Japanese didn't really start anything, they simply warmed up an old concept and put a few twists on it. Back in the thirties you could go to a movie theater, and sandwiched in between a double feature,(that's right, two full length features), a cartoon, sometimes a continued serial(Superman, Red Ryder Western thriller,etc) and world news, you may have a brief sing along session. There would be music playing and lyrics on the screen with a bouncing ball going from word to word in tempo to the music. Sound somewhat familiar anyone ? A bandleader named Mitch Miller enjoyed popularity with his reheat of it in a television series called "Sing Along With Mitch" sometime around the 50's or 60's, once again using the bouncing ball concept. So much for the history lesson, but I'd guess Karaoke could be safely taken out of the fad genre and considered lasting. Interesting to wonder what form it will take next.

Take care,


Last edited by George; February 18th, 2003 at 10:29 PM.
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