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Old March 3rd, 2001, 12:37 PM
admin admin is offline
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
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Roger, I appreciate your perception, but the CDR drives that reliably read and write the CDG format are not cheap. The key here is reliably. We have bought, tested and sold Yamaha, Sony, HP (based on the Sony mechanism), Plextor, TDK and reviewed several others. The rejects we made on each lot we bought for the past 3 years has been painful and expensive.

When clients go out and buy what they "believe" is a CDG capable CD burner, the results can be disasterous. You can find a few documented in this Forum. Then, they call us because we CAN solve their problem when everyone else doesn't have a clue why they don't get their lyrics. The goal is to protect your Karaoke CDG discs, not just end up owning a CD burner(s) and software that won't do this.

I am writing from 3 years experience. The cheaper the drive, the worse the problems! That is why we sell CDG CERTIFIED CDR drives... so our users won't experience what others have, and that we did when we bought and sold drives without testing them.

We have seen the most incredible variety of problems with different user's computers with CDRs and Microstudio! If we add direct CDROM-CDR copying, the additional customer support load we would receive would be a disaster. For use to ignore the support demands could literally destroy MTU in under 90 days.

To provide quality customer support today is a VERY serious cost factor that rules the final decision. Often we can do this-or-that, but if we perceive the customer support demands would go up, we will not do it. We only want satisfied clients who's needs are met by our products... and support.

For 30 years, I have been at the Bleeding Edge of Technology... creating and delivering new tools before others even saw a future need. Our web page at proves this from our early accomplishments, and shows some of our products and how we were first in the world to develop and introduce this class of product.

Yesterday I got a "prototype" of Microstudio V2.201. My primary reason for many of its features is to reduce customer support demands. However, a number of new features were added by client requests.

Roger, your "vote" has been heard. I spent a long time preparing this answer. However, my 30 years experience rules. We don't currently have plans for direct CDROM-CDR duplication.