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Old February 8th, 2010, 06:54 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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all those "Myths" about pirates are right on the mark, i.e.,none of them have spent hardly any money at any time and they have all undercut all of the legals here, period.
I dunno, i think pirating cdg disc or hard drives or whatever, is like real life. Normally, a theif is slick, mixes in with others, looks, acts, like a normal person of his own trade. I bet the average pirate can put on as gooda or better show, and have just as gooda gear as a legal newbie just starting out, with no experience. Maybe if i keep watching out for a bumbling, clumbsy, dude, who has beat up gear, a 13" walmart picture tube singers TV, plastic gemini10" speakers which distort with every sang word. Radio Shack mics. Has a libray which boost 100,000 songs but can't find "Hotel California" and doing his show for $50 i have spotted my first pirate. But ya know..somehow i doubt thats gonna be the case.